Portal Website Updates

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Portal Website Updates

Postby Etaew » Sun Feb 28, 2010 5:35 am

Please make suggestions for improvements to the website, server list. Pages. Features, and various other content.
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Re: Portal Website Updates

Postby Belthax » Tue Jun 15, 2010 11:35 am

Make the Edit your server link/button easier to find :)
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Re: Portal Website Updates

Postby Shatteredhand » Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:51 am

Under the server details for each server, there's a server graph for the day, week, month, and year. It would be awesome if a time zone were listed, as they don't mean anything without one.
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Re: Portal Website Updates

Postby Fuzzlix » Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:57 pm


Many times i forgot, i started and minimized daoc portal arredy. When i try to start daoc portal twice i see an message window. I would like to see my 1st app activated and maximized.

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Re: Portal Website Updates

Postby unstabelone » Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:18 am

Yes we need more instant lvl 50/full action pvp servers. maybe if you make your dawn of light storm dawn of light pvp. Full on pvp in different towns like gothwait. instant 50. just a basic setup with shops(weapons armor artifacts ect.) also the best is dif prices 5kbp 10kbp 20kbp. that would rock and like 100k bp items xD. seriosly alot of people would play. Like alot of people play neon 60 max thats cuz his system is small and cant fit alot but you guys can. also neon is shutting down soon which sucks for people like me who never played daoc for years and dont know all the in's n outs. instant 50 is very fun for people like me. also pvp not rvr. i hate running around rvr in groups then u die and have to find your group again. its better just die respawn die respawn. a fast pvp is what i think alot of people would want. Btw good work with the d2 daoc shard its kickass. tips i would say some free basic lvl 1 armor. also you start with 5 silver when everything is worth 1 plat or higher i dont understand that maybe i missed another cheaper shop somewhere idk.
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