Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

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Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

Postby Graveen » Wed Aug 04, 2010 10:07 pm


this build is an official 1.9.4 version, based on rev2500 of the SVN.

It brings among lot of stuffs, a new inventory system and more abstraction for building a shard in your shard.

You can get it in download section.

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Dawn of Light Server 'One Clic' v1.9.4 - SVN revision 2500
- The first free open source DAoC server emulator -

Packaged by Graveen - August 2010
This package (server, database engine and public database) allows you to easily and quickly run a personnal DoL server.
You need the .NET framework 3.5 installed on your computer.

It includes:

1) Dawn of Light core, svn revision 2500
2) MySQL database server 5.1.33 - you must shutdown existing MySQL servers
- login: root / password: root
- login: dol / password: dol
- database name: dol
3) Cleaned and rebuilded database 2500
This database follows the new DoL database release mode.
This database contains the Storm's most up-to-date parts.
The parts are choosen to cover some important game aspects:
* New Frontiers, where you can freely RvR
* Darkness Falls, where you can freely RvR and PvE
* Classic Zones, where you can freely PvE
* Tutorial zones
The common parts (spells, styles, starter equipment) are also
in this release.
The 100% loots and mob above 55 are not included.Feel free to play on Storm for them !
It's up to the community to provide databases, please contribute.

Feel free to join us and help at
Feel free to experience our official server Storm.
Storm runs the latest SVN, and the most up-to-date database.
* pm me to contribute in Dawn of Light: code, database *
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Re: Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

Postby vladdd » Sat Aug 07, 2010 4:28 pm

That is good.

The server work nice and the database has more things but i have to do some report about the mobs in this db.

Darkness Falls looks good but
  • the princes zones are empty (no inquistitors, mutilators etc).
    the purple zone empty (legion zone)
  • empty
Other are not verificated.
Anyway this server works fine and db is now more easy to be completed with other dbs.

Thank you Graveen and thank you DOL team :mrgreen:
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Re: Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

Postby Roozzz » Sat Aug 07, 2010 5:48 pm

Did you read the post/readme?
...mob above 55 are not included.
The parts are choosen to cover some important game aspects:
* New Frontiers, where you can freely RvR
* Darkness Falls, where you can freely RvR and PvE
* Classic Zones, where you can freely PvE
* Tutorial zones
So you are correct, but can't say it surprised me ;)

Basically the question now is, who provides laby? :)
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Re: Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

Postby vladdd » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:53 pm

The new server package is more complete, i just subliniated the problems. I never wanted to surprise anybody :mrgreen: .
This problems can be solved with misi db, 2018 dol db and some personal work.

Anyway, congratulations DOL and Keep up the good work!
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Re: Server release 1.9.4 / Database r2500 / DolSetup 1.9.4

Postby deathwish » Sat Aug 07, 2010 8:57 pm

Im already looking to these probelms and fixing them one by one, once i get most the problems fixed with in the database i will add a download link for who ever wants it
- Terry - terryammon
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