First of all, congratulations for all your work. I know what it takes to make such a website running

Thanks, I appreciate it.
I think the news panel, on the bottom right, is taking too much place. If you make it smaller, reducing the margin-bottom on the P or even suppressing the "date, by contributor name" (the second line, the date already appears in the Anchor, and the contributor name is visible in the news itself) you could add some more focus on important things.
I agree on some points, the margin-bottom on the p element is from the phpbb stylesheet, but I have now overwritten the rule locally so we can test this on the home page. I felt that margin-bottom 0 was squashing the pages too much so I have changed it to 0.5.
In regards to the date on the news article, the date is only displayed on the posts that I make because i choose to add it to the subject, and it can't be guaranteed for anyone else creating posts, including DOLBot. The date indicator I feel is important as you should be able at a glance to see if there is any recent news, however the contributor is not that important, so its a question of, if the line is added anyway, do we leave it there.
Same remark about the Download section, upper right corner, where you have 3 lines when everything could fit in 2 ("DOL Server" + "Download" as example).
A valid point, I have now added the download link next to the title.
The question now is... what should we fill that space with...
As main feature to add in the homepage to focus on, I think about the FAQ. There a lot of content introduced in the homepage, it is more then difficult to find a particular answer and a direct link to the general FAQ could be useful for many people.
We have a FAQ? lol
I think you could add some margin-right (80px?) to the a#logo (line 137 of your CSS) and some padding-top (10px?) on your div#storebanner (you have to create it in your CSS).
The header isn't covered in this update, as this is a site wide change, I will be removing the store banner shortly and reducing the height of the whole top bar. But your suggestions are valid, and are now active on the home page only, thanks.