Hello folks,
I am Etaew, the DOL web developer, I have been with the project since 2003.
What is this section?
As the web developer I get a certain amount of freedom within the project. For over a year I have wanted to create a blog section on the DOL website, A dev diary of sorts. News doesn't reach others that often about what is going on with the project, or what the developers and other staff members are up to.
What am I up to at the moment?
One of the things to understand about me is that I get distracted and demotivated very easily, I have worked on this website for over 6 years, and you will see a lot of crossover styles between old and new things, and plenty of things I have stopped working on in the middle.
In regards to the current state of the site you will notice the following:
- We are still recovering from a transition from our own web host to one provided by Sourceforge.
- We started changing the website from it's light theme to a darker one (I am very slowly updating each page -
User Files -
I am also toying with a new style that I would like to bring to the DOL sites, only during the sites launch around 2003 did we feature heavily DAOC graphics, and the site style has become more and more obscure over the years as I have tried to make it simplistic and professional. What I would like to do now is take what I have learned, and restore some of the DAOC theme to the site using inspiration (and in some case graphics) from the darkageofcamelot.com and camelotherald.com websites.
The legality may be something I have to deal with, and I may have to produce more of these images myself. Feel free to check out the current status at
I will try to keep people more informed about what is going on with the website, and hopefully other team members can inform the community what is happening with them.
I am not sure how well this section will work or will be received, so I hope you will give various new features I develop a good trial, and let me know how you feel about it.