The Challenge not the Product

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The Challenge not the Product

Postby Etaew » Wed Jun 08, 2011 11:43 am

DOL Facebook
I am enjoying posting regular DAOC videos on our Facebook Page, this means I get to view a number of them and pick my favourite. What I do hope is that people don't get too flooded with my posts, I try to add one every day or every 2 days. I like to be reminded about DAOC and hope others do as well.

DAOC Producers Letter
I liked the DAOC Producers Letter a few days ago, it's nice to know that something is being done, but I still feel that they aren't doing enough. I look forward to the new website they are producing, and being able to model this website on their design.

My Tasks
I'm the sort of person who likes working on things whilst it is challenging and fun, once I complete the difficult task I find it very difficult to motivate myself to finalise it. This may come from being lazy, or that I enjoy the challenge more than the actual release.

Some things I haven't finished:

Battleground Queue System
- Needs large scale testing privately
- 3 Towns NPC / Equipment creation
- Integration to Storm

Website Design
- Forum light design merged with dark design (A few pages have been converted)
- New DAOC design of pages (initial outlines, some content)

NPC Pathing
- First attempt I created the code framework for the npc to move along open path nodes in 2d, but had to manually close inaccessible nodes
- Second attempt I created a way to automatically close some inaccessible path nodes, such as ones with trees on (not buildings), but lost my code for the npc to walk along them

Being out of the house for an extended period of time without my PC is also quite difficult, and I would like to complete some of these tasks, but find it very difficult to get around to anything.
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Re: The Challenge not the Product

Postby Argo » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:41 pm

My Tasks
I'm the sort of person who likes working on things whilst it is challenging and fun, once I complete the difficult task I find it very difficult to motivate myself to finalise it. This may come from being lazy, or that I enjoy the challenge more than the actual release.
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Re: The Challenge not the Product

Postby Graveen » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:56 pm

I can add, this is one of the main problem in general: excellent ideas, excellent proof of concept, but to be usable, it have to be done :mrgreen:

This is typically the state of documentation, tests, and even in design, of a lot of apps/webapps i have to work on - it can double (or more) the hours i'm spending on some code to improve/debug.
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Re: The Challenge not the Product

Postby Dinberg » Mon Jun 13, 2011 4:28 pm

NPC Pathing
- First attempt I created the code framework for the npc to move along open path nodes in 2d, but had to manually close inaccessible nodes
- Second attempt I created a way to automatically close some inaccessible path nodes, such as ones with trees on (not buildings), but lost my code for the npc to walk along them
Hmm this reminds me, I said I was going to have a look at that this summer and see if I can get something set up for pathfinding in dungeon regions (and maybe later also include new frontiers/overworlds.)
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