Grab Bags
You may have noticed a forum going up containing old Grab Bags, I have been taking the oldest articles off the old herald and working forward. Some really interesting stuff is to be found, such as Mythic comments after release, the popularity of the game, the frequency of content updates etc.
I've been adding content to the official DAoC Wiki, I've created a lot of content for the Expansions pages, although I haven't played some of these expansions, I've only had to go on the official releases.
I've also added a lot of information on Lore, to some classes, to quite a few zones, and for some dedicated catacombs content. Some quite interesting stuff, but then if I compare to other games such as World of Warcraft lore and Star Wars lore, I find I care less about the Arthurian, Celtic and Norse than I do about the others. Is this a problem with the choice of lore for DAoC or just because of my personal preference, I dunno.
My time on Warhammer Online ended last week, and I've been looking at my next MMO to play.
So far I have spent a few days on Age of Conan and a few days on Lord of the Rings Online and my overall thoughts are these:
Age of Conan
- - Free to Play
-Visually Impressive
- Adult
- Unique Combat Style
- Unique Quests
- Repetitive Quest Zones
Lord of the Rings Online
- - Free to Play
- Visually Impressive
- Immersive
- Unique Quests (Chicken Play/Pub Crawl!)
- Crafting (not rubbing hands together)
- Annoying client to server to client movement mechanic, not just client to server.
One of the most unique things I remember from my time on LOTRO is encountering a quest where you play as a chicken, that was pretty awesome.
I haven't experienced the PvM side of Lord of the Rings Online yet, I'm not sure what part of the game you encounter the play vs monster characters.
More as I play it...