I would say probably server side Pathing, but that wouldn't fall under "Bits and Pieces" =) Or you could redo the spell handler code =)"Huh, I miss working on DoL. I wonder if there's any bits and pieces left to implement."
If anyone knows some large subsystem that is lacking, I would love to hear it.
Haha, good to see you Dinberg. I definitely have missed speaking to you . Things have been really good. Learned a lot about myself over the last few years. One thing I learned is that I'm not a good relational leader, (e.g. the head of DoL). In almost all software firms there are developers and then a dev manager. The dev manager's role is to ensure that his subordinates have everything they need and are working productively. This is not a strong suit of mine. Luckily, there's another role I can play. At work, I am on the path to become the lead architect of our product. My mentor is the current architect (he's been there for 17+ years) and the knowledge I get from him is astounding, encouraging even. That's the role I'm excited to play for our product. I enjoy rewriting large portions of outdated code and creating frameworks for other teams to consume.ISAT down!
Good to see you again old buddy, how have things been?
Hi Graveen! You were always one of my favorite people . You have perked my interest with the siege stuff. Is it simply not implemented or does it also need db/packet work too? I haven't peeked at it, hopefully I can get to that today.Yes, tons of things still todo. All in all, we quietly go to a better codebase, along side with better tools. DOL is more modular, and if you are interested, there are no support for new siege stuff things: the tent, ladder, and even rams, trebuchets... would need a decent implementation through a dedicated framework.
Sup TolaMy goodness. Welcome back!
Hi Darwin! Of course I remember you . I will give your offer some thought. Most of my work is going to be in the DoL core. I enjoy creating work that everyone can enjoy and use. But, I may have a little room to script a bit, hehe. I got married last June 4th - wassup. Although, marriage has been the most challenging thing I have ever done. Learning to control rage and learning to constant pray have been the greatest benefits. It has gotten much better over the year and we can at least stand each other right now .*!*Ho My God*!*
my old boss, with who i basically learnt C#,
i hope seriously you remember me, from Eden server, big time
and.. ho.. i'm getting married 1rst June too, with the most perfect woman in the world to me
i'm actually working in Monaco in pure .NET, thanks to dol prolly, so everything changed for me too
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