DOLPubDB v3.0

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DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby viper1805 » Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:51 pm


in order to work properly with the current core and most of all for the upcoming one-click server release a new public database was released.
Most of all it contains adaptions to the current core so that u can now use this db with the latest Core (2918 I believe) and with the nightly build.

DoLPubDBV3.0: ... p/download


All issues mentioned in the previous topic should be solved with this db ;)

Please provide updates and additions as sql files/commands with "INSERT"! That makes it easier to check what you have done ;)
Add an attachment to your post, upload it at e.g. mediafire or megaupload or add it to you post as "code" like mattress already did.
I will not solve your problems for you ... I will just give you a way to find a solution :mrgreen:
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby deathwish » Sat Apr 21, 2012 10:27 pm

Little idea, can we have a DOLPubDB User Upload area DOL Server, just like User File Uploads?? :)
- Terry - terryammon
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Database Team
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Joined: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:15 pm
Location: England / Essex

Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby viper1805 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:48 am

Fixes provided:

Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Cady', '', 32182, 34783, 15940, 200, 3864, 360, 168, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '0c7a759a-66c4-4f36-a9d1-ddc1d0042982');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Royal Illuminator', '', 32481, 33365, 15769, 200, 2013, 360, 217, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '0ce2d880-bc21-477a-bf06-68d4944118aa');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.ThroneRoomTeleporter', 'Royal Guard', '', 32331, 30414, 15563, 200, 23, 360, 170, 53, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 342, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '12c3552f-a732-49ea-ba24-dac96f9c3817');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster\'s Aide', 'Merchant', 32761, 32858, 15738, 200, 1033, 360, 214, 45, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 65, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '1d75f411-7def-423d-8bef-1612d5a46e18');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Visindakona Sigyn\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32015, 35204, 15972, 200, 3527, 360, 1064, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '2a4afd22-fe9e-4f7b-83eb-e10cfc21158c');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Grand Merchant Rogert', '', 32184, 34907, 15940, 200, 1, 360, 1127, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '2f24e239-bcd5-4b65-bc94-55de799b1bf8');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Sevaldric', '', 32185, 34845, 15940, 200, 1, 360, 233, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '4de57b68-df0d-45c7-aba0-88deec01f88b');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Guard Heinrik', '', 32115, 34934, 15977, 200, 3065, 360, 185, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '5085d6ed-1a88-44b4-b4f6-7420732cc3eb');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Myrrdin', '', 32381, 35873, 15979, 200, 1906, 360, 2153, 40, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '55ba4e9e-7dc3-427b-8994-d45430d1af2d');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Visindakona Magna\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32656, 35202, 15972, 200, 493, 360, 1063, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '5ebe7fd2-a878-4d44-83c0-c488b7d6f49a');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Visindakona Guri\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32651, 35478, 15972, 200, 477, 360, 214, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '67aee036-077a-466a-a484-b399cfb6638b');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Visindakona Siv\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32018, 35475, 15972, 200, 3535, 360, 804, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '71e0036e-5059-42bc-9f0f-715eb2b10ed7');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Fidalla', '', 32182, 34725, 15940, 200, 3864, 360, 230, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '800b615a-b14c-4762-8268-53f1f69ef5ba');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Athr Hasetti Theyr', '', 32187, 33363, 15769, 200, 2051, 360, 215, 60, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '89e5e1bd-0967-444a-aedb-d02353a6a361');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster Dreiki', 'Merchant', 32668, 32714, 15738, 200, 1033, 360, 214, 55, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 65, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'b840275b-d8c2-4257-bfba-1e82a5073190');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'High Consul Thamor', '', 32738, 34687, 15972, 200, 1040, 360, 1408, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'bc8b9dd3-5612-4e68-82c2-7f18f618670c');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Bran', '', 32285, 35860, 15972, 200, 2387, 360, 2153, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 1, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'c15395a3-8a4c-4d69-99b2-0f4021035917');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.KingNPC', 'King Eirik', '', 32334, 35892, 15972, 200, 2026, 360, 2123, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 80, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 900, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'c7a43354-fc0c-4522-9eaf-69a48477660b');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Zoawyn', '', 32180, 34654, 15940, 200, 4081, 360, 205, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 2, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'c9b3e658-09a8-4c77-bb4a-b8dd46ea0078');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Academy\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32726, 34544, 15900, 200, 298, 394, 260, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '094c8b6b-4d19-4d27-b792-806b7f78381b');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Goodman Benjamin', '', 32516, 34811, 15900, 200, 16, 394, 28, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '25fa1fc4-463f-4ef7-b865-74ea1a229375');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'High Consul Herleagis', '', 31942, 34286, 15900, 200, 3919, 394, 1395, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '2af1aae7-0428-4db5-93ef-911e45030634');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Ambassador Sharifah', '', 32135, 35306, 15900, 200, 4013, 394, 274, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '512cf72b-143e-4027-87a5-57c5cc66711f');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Church of Albion\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32820, 35473, 15900, 200, 1665, 394, 8, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '5552cb75-f79a-4cb8-887a-957d21b33068');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster Mills', 'Merchant', 32560, 32915, 15901, 200, 1026, 394, 8, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '5dd6ffdb-64ed-47dc-a3c2-ffeb1a52e150');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Grand Merchant Codius', 'Merchant Consortium', 32480, 34490, 15900, 200, 4062, 394, 257, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '5e3db0a1-84cb-4d81-93e4-86cb303a7f16');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Sir Norcross', '', 32389, 35790, 15916, 200, 1692, 394, 28, 55, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '61f7a79d-bdd7-4e84-83a3-b833180bc5a9');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Royal Illuminator', '', 32323, 33041, 15901, 200, 25, 394, 5, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '75484850-12ff-43c9-9419-5603c180eec7');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Defenders of Albion\'s Weaponmaster', '', 31929, 34564, 15900, 200, 3803, 394, 28, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '7ee76856-89c5-42c2-a0d6-270b4ee79761');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.KingNPC', 'King Constantine', '', 32333, 35862, 15972, 200, 2065, 394, 2122, 65, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 65, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 416, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '9376e1b7-6b0b-48b9-a545-6098ea1b587b');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Sir Christopher Cooke', '', 32447, 35256, 15900, 200, 12, 394, 28, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '99ff4553-6e1a-4f4d-abb2-68c747fb9385');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Lady Amelia Cooke', '', 32519, 35257, 15900, 200, 12, 394, 35, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'a7278134-2bdf-4b93-bf7f-c39cf6f97067');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.ThroneRoomTeleporter', 'King\'s Royal Guard', '', 32331, 31723, 15901, 200, 21, 394, 8, 55, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 65, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 538, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'aaf02616-9627-4267-b4d1-15b95dde003f');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Chamberlain Harlen', '', 32325, 32794, 15901, 200, 2013, 394, 254, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'b21bbf71-b5a5-4346-b796-ad7977e13cf5');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Advisor Wacian', '', 32261, 35857, 15972, 200, 2429, 394, 257, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'be969f23-fc33-49ab-b938-6563a16f46ea');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster\'s Aide', 'Merchant', 32214, 34041, 15901, 200, 3101, 394, 8, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'd901ea31-1ccd-445c-834c-da8667f5d24c');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Dale Gibbs', '', 32143, 34836, 15900, 200, 4063, 394, 471, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'e7cd6189-d933-4f2a-bff0-908da37c9c45');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Guild of Shadows Weaponmaster', '', 31820, 35503, 15900, 200, 2550, 394, 284, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 1, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'fd6f6e54-0417-4f74-aaf6-087747b85d26');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Royal Illuminator', '', 32068, 35471, 15863, 200, 3058, 395, 349, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '06c20c85-3e90-4e36-b8ed-4baf71ac6653');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Messenger Aigneis', '', 32145, 35001, 15855, 200, 15, 395, 311, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '15b56086-8a60-47d5-a0f0-a2021a9cc0ef');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster Kindrey', 'Merchant', 32732, 33221, 15715, 200, 1063, 395, 564, 55, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '210bdeaf-8d5b-4025-a509-fc2d5909aa24');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.KingNPC', 'King Lug Lamfhota', '', 32332, 35863, 15973, 200, 2066, 395, 2125, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 65, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 483, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '30903529-7847-4c68-9ac5-32d1f3d4b4b3');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Quartermaster\'s Aide', 'Merchant', 32722, 33022, 15715, 200, 1046, 395, 564, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, '38607d67-7fbe-444f-9977-3944b3d27b92');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Essence\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32594, 35342, 15863, 200, 1007, 395, 334, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '4487a152-261d-481f-b128-701b3f630bff');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Gleogh', '', 32147, 34941, 15855, 200, 15, 395, 319, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '584a834d-b0d9-4d7e-9355-f36add9acc14');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.ThroneRoomTeleporter', 'Throne Room Guard', '', 32331, 31690, 15715, 200, 39, 395, 387, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 430, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '61b6bd80-1f15-49a6-8d6c-e717aac61786');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Focus\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32065, 35221, 15863, 200, 3058, 395, 384, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '65e1c0a8-21f2-4b33-b5d4-f7098c4bbd23');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'High Consul Maewyn', '', 32632, 34838, 15863, 200, 1047, 395, 1420, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '77e8d9b8-132c-4e8b-bf1e-d9e85d2254cc');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Affinity\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32599, 35218, 15863, 200, 1007, 395, 343, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '7859b9bc-c144-4f91-ba81-975ecdb2e35e');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Sendel', '', 32150, 34812, 15855, 200, 15, 395, 337, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '7f23175b-9a45-48e9-8f8b-3e3cbede9125');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Harmony\'s Weaponmaster', '', 32071, 35346, 15863, 200, 3058, 395, 348, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '8db2ede6-e26d-41b7-b3b1-b2ab54d472f0');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Bhaltair', '', 32145, 35056, 15855, 200, 15, 395, 390, 53, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, '8e4f6058-be39-4cef-bf94-5bdbe32ba3f0');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameMerchant', 'Grand Merchant Adanor', 'Merchant Alliance', 32143, 35128, 15855, 200, 25, 395, 334, 50, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 'a042cd43-5915-4ace-bc76-7cc340b3bc3f');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Delegate Tuddyn', '', 32149, 34878, 15855, 200, 15, 395, 390, 50, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'b55e0f7a-d530-40f0-88ce-b7c86c6b585e');
INSERT INTO `mob` (`ClassType`, `Name`, `Guild`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Speed`, `Heading`, `Region`, `Model`, `Size`, `Strength`, `Constitution`, `Dexterity`, `Quickness`, `Intelligence`, `Piety`, `Empathy`, `Charisma`, `Level`, `Realm`, `EquipmentTemplateID`, `ItemsListTemplateID`, `NPCTemplateID`, `Race`, `Flags`, `AggroLevel`, `AggroRange`, `MeleeDamageType`, `RespawnInterval`, `FactionID`, `BodyType`, `HouseNumber`, `Brain`, `PathID`, `MaxDistance`, `OwnerID`, `RoamingRange`, `IsCloakHoodUp`, `Gender`, `PackageID`, `VisibleWeaponSlots`, `Mob_ID`) VALUES ('DOL.GS.GameNPC', 'Seneschal Desmond', '', 32336, 32895, 15715, 200, 2081, 395, 560, 60, 26, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 50, 3, '', '', -1, 0, 16, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 255, 'dc5d58f8-3fac-4f75-ba80-8a2065696f02');

INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('f48d34bd-33eb-431a-9f6d-01e8f5088ef9', 'AlbThroneExit', 2, 10, 32633, 24324, 8447, 3079, '');
INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('3b9b72a9-76cc-4b97-ade9-1d1e1ab91655', 'AlbThroneRoom', 2, 394, 32328, 31795, 15901, 17, '');
INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('c4517625-0a43-44b7-9298-9e219d948d31', 'HibThroneExit', 2, 201, 33180, 32939, 8008, 2078, '');
INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('f2a3428c-d3c3-4d3a-ad31-113b41db1361', 'HibThroneRoom', 2, 395, 32329, 31779, 15715, 12, '');
INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('58668bba-c72c-4d39-8184-e83b8ab44668', 'MidThroneExit', 2, 101, 31752, 27053, 8830, 27, '');
INSERT INTO `teleport` (`Teleport_ID`, `TeleportID`, `Realm`, `RegionID`, `X`, `Y`, `Z`, `Heading`, `Type`) VALUES ('69e10769-3556-4a60-87f5-ff001c25da38', 'MidThroneRoom', 2, 360, 32331, 30410, 15563, 3, '');
Code: Select all
delete from `stylexspell` where SpellID = '20098' and StyleId = '286'
Code: Select all
update `stylexspell` set SpellID = '20082' where StyleID = '257';
Code: Select all
delete from classxrealmability where CharClass = '3' and AbilityKey = "Physical Defense";
Code: Select all
delete from classxrealmability where CharClass = '25' and AbilityKey = "Physical Defense";
Code: Select all
delete from classxrealmability where CharClass = '50' and AbilityKey = "Physical Defense";
Code: Select all
INSERT INTO `classxrealmability` (`CharClass`, `AbilityKey`, `ClassXRealmAbility_ID`) VALUES (3, 'Mastery of Concentration', 'Scout-MoC');
Code: Select all
REPLACE INTO `spell` (`Spell_ID`, `SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `PackageID`, `IsFocus`) VALUES
('14d5b5a3-9a04-4cbf-b6b2-afb164bc30c4', 5291, 5291, 5291, 'Sprouting Thicket', 'Target is effectively immobilized for the duration of the spell. If any damage is done to the target, the spell will break. This spell can be cast during combat.', 'Enemy', 1500, 17, 0, 0, 14, 'SpeedDecrease', 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 600, 0, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 'Your feet are frozen to the ground!', '{0}''s feet are frozen to the ground!', '', '', 0, 3020, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 30, '1.109c', 0),
('88fac996-87cb-4ea2-8bf3-4191d279789b', 5285, 5285, 5285, 'Field of Brambles', 'Target is effectively immobilized for the duration of the spell. If any damage is done to the target, the spell will break. This spell can be cast during combat.', 'Enemy', 1500, 18, 2.5, 0, 14, 'SpeedDecrease', 47, 0, 0, 0, 350, 0, 0, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 'Your feet are frozen to the ground!', '{0}''s feet are frozen to the ground!', '', '', 0, 3030, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1.109c', 0),
('cf663763-acae-4474-8d9d-22b03629a6da', 5282, 5282, 5282, 'Patch of Brambles', 'Target is effectively immobilized for the duration of the spell. If any damage is done to the target, the spell will break. This spell can be cast during combat.', 'Enemy', 1500, 6, 2.5, 0, 14, 'SpeedDecrease', 23, 0, 0, 0, 350, 0, 0, 0, 99, 0, 0, 0, 'Your feet are frozen to the ground!', '{0}''s feet are frozen to the ground!', '', '', 0, 3030, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee38', 13670, 13670, 13670, 'Shrieking Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 5, 2.5, 29, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee39', 13671, 13671, 13671, 'Wailing Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 11, 2.5, 56, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee40', 13672, 13672, 13672, 'Screaming Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 18, 2.5, 106, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee41', 13673, 13673, 13673, 'Shattering Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 25, 2.5, 154, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee42', 13674, 13674, 13674, 'Ear-splitting Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 35, 2.5, 206, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee43', 13675, 13675, 13675, 'Piercing Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 42, 2.5, 248, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0),
('fb1f0d26-3aa4-45a8-9a1e-Banshee44', 13676, 13676, 13676, 'Deafening Cascade', 'Targets in an area around the target take damage. Damage done is of the spell''s given damage type. The spell is a ''bolt'' that can be blocked and takes a few seconds to travel to its targets, but has a longer range and does significantly more damage than other types of spells.', 'Enemy', 1000, 51, 2.5, 296, 10, 'Bolt', 0, 0, 0, 0, 350, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 21, '1.109c', 0);
Code: Select all
DELETE FROM mob WHERE mob.ClassType = 'DOL.GS.Scripts.TrainingDummy';
DELETE FROM mob WHERE mob.ClassType = 'DOL.GS.Scripts.SecretTeleporter';
DELETE FROM mob WHERE mob.ClassType = 'DOL.GS.Scripts.BPs';
DELETE FROM mob WHERE mob.ClassType = 'DOL.GS.MobShaman';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '38077';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '38076';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '29998';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '30141';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '65019';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '40033';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '300361';
DELETE FROM linexspell WHERE linexspell.SpellID = '65533';

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 25, 728, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 13, 849, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 10, 653, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_archer', 11, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_archer_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 25, 58, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_caster', 12, 1170, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_caster_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 25, 662, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 21, 95, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 12, 649, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 10, 10, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_fighter', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_fighter_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 25, 662, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 23, 95, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 12, 649, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 10, 10, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_lord', 13, 132, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_lord_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 25, 713, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 21, 94, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_helmit');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 10, 3282, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_healer', 11, 61, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_healer_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 25, 792, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 12, 653, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 10, 653, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('albion_stealther', 11, 653, 0, 0, NULL, 'albion_stealther_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 25, 668, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 13, 1037, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 12, 328, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_archer', 10, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_archer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 25, 98, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_caster', 12, 566, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_caster_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_hastener', 26, 443, 43, 0, NULL, 'midgard_hastener_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_hastener', 25, 230, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_hastener_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_hastener', 22, 233, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_hastener_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_hastener', 23, 234, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_hastener_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_hastener', 11, 228, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_hastener_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 25, 662, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 12, 572, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 10, 313, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_fighter', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_fighter_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 25, 668, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 12, 572, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 10, 313, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_lord', 13, 564, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_lord_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 25, 668, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_helmit');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 10, 3335, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 11, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_healer', 12, 3336, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_healer_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 25, 792, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 21, 335, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 12, 577, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 10, 573, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('midgard_stealther', 11, 573, 0, 0, NULL, 'midgard_stealther_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 13, 919, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 10, 643, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_archer', 11, 643, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_archer_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 25, 97, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_caster', 12, 1176, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_caster_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 21, 1207, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 12, 476, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 10, 897, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_fighter', 11, 79, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_fighter_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 21, 1207, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 12, 476, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 10, 879, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 11, 79, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_lord', 13, 919, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_lord_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 21, 1207, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_helmit');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 10, 3247, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_healer', 11, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_healer_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 12, 2687, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 10, 2685, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hibernia_stealther', 11, 2685, 0, 0, NULL, 'hibernia_stealther_lefthand');

-- pk --

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 25, 728, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 13, 849, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 10, 653, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_archer_pk', 11, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_archer_pk_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 25, 58, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_caster_pk', 12, 1170, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_caster_pk_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 26, 3800, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 25, 662, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 27, 663, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 28, 664, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 22, 665, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 23, 666, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 21, 95, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 12, 649, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 10, 10, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('alb_fighter_pk', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'alb_fighter_pk_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 25, 668, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 13, 1037, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 12, 328, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_archer_pk', 10, 59, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_archer_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 25, 98, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_caster_pk', 12, 566, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_caster_pk_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 26, 3801, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 25, 662, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 27, 2943, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 28, 2944, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 22, 2945, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 23, 2946, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 21, 2874, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 12, 572, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment

(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 10, 313, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('mid_fighter_pk', 11, 60, 0, 0, NULL, 'mid_fighter_pk_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 13, 919, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_distance');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 10, 643, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_archer_pk', 11, 643, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_archer_pk_lefthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_1');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 25, 97, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_2');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 22, 142, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_3');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 23, 143, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_4');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 10, 13, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_5');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_caster_pk', 12, 1176, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_caster_pk_6');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 26, 3802, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_cloak');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 25, 667, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_torso');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 27, 989, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_legs');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 28, 990, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_arms');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 22, 991, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_hands');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 23, 992, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_feet');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 21, 1207, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_head');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 12, 476, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_2handed');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 10, 897, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_righthand');

REPLACE INTO npcequipment
(`TemplateID`, `Slot`, `Model`, `Color`, `Effect`, `Extension`, `NPCEquipment_ID`)
('hib_fighter_pk', 11, 79, 0, 0, NULL, 'hib_fighter_pk_lefthand');
Code: Select all
REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Enchanted_Tinderbox', 'Enchanted Tinderbox', 45, 50000, 50000, NULL, 50000, 50000, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 602, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 20, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, NULL, 1, 1, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dolpubdb', 'Non Public', NULL, NULL, 'Enchanted Tinderbox', NULL, NULL, NULL);

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Everspark_Tinderbox', 'Everspark Tinderbox', 35, 50000, 50000, NULL, 50000, 50000, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 41, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 602, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 17, 10, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, NULL, 1, 1, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dolpubdb', 'Non Public', NULL, NULL, 'Everspark Tinderbox', NULL, NULL, NULL);

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Rusty_Tinderbox', 'Rusty Tinderbox', 0, 50000, 50000, NULL, 50000, 50000, 99, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 602, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 5, NULL, 1, 1, '', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dolpubdb', 'Non Public', NULL, NULL, 'Rusty Tinderbox', NULL, NULL, NULL);
Code: Select all
REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Atens_Shield', 'Atens Shield', 50, 50000, 50000, 0, 50000, 50000, 100, 159, 35, 2, 1, 42, 11, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1663, 0, 35, 3, 3, 3, 10, 5, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 12, 14, 148, 202, 203, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 65509, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'dolpubdb', '', '', 0, 'Atens_Shield', '', '', '');

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Atens_Shield_Large', 'Atens Shield', 50, 50000, 50000, 0, 50000, 50000, 100, 159, 35, 2, 3, 42, 11, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1663, 0, 35, 3, 3, 3, 10, 5, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 12, 14, 148, 202, 203, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 65509, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'dolpubdb', '', '', 0, 'Atens_Shield_Large', '', '', '');

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Atens_Shield_Medium', 'Atens Shield', 50, 50000, 50000, 0, 50000, 50000, 100, 159, 35, 2, 2, 42, 11, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1663, 0, 35, 3, 3, 3, 10, 5, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 12, 14, 148, 202, 203, 155, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 65509, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30123, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'dolpubdb', '', '', 0, 'Atens_Shield_Medium', '', '', '');

(`SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsFocus`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `PackageID`, `Spell_ID`)
(65509, 0, 0, 'Summon Trident', 'Summons a weapon', 'Self', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'AtensShield', -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'atenstrident');
Code: Select all
(`SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsFocus`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `PackageID`, `Spell_ID`)
(65514, 0, 0, 'Summon Light', 'Summons a magical Staff and Weapon into bearers inventory which, will vanish if its bearer dies at daytime or quits.', 'Self', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'BeltOfLight', -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'beltofsunsummon');

(`SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsFocus`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `PackageID`, `Spell_ID`)
(65513, 4573, 4573, 'Sunlight', 'Damages the target and lowers the target\'s resistance to that spell type.', 'Enemy', 1500, 0, 2, 60, 10, 'DirectDamageWithDebuff', 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 'You feel more vulnerable to physical magic!', '{0} seems vulnerable to physical magic!', '', '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7b22adb7-2108-464e-9423-a8471faa96a1');

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Belt_Of_The_Sun', 'Belt of the Sun', 50, 50000, 50000, 0, 50000, 50000, 100, 1, 0, 0, 0, 41, 32, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1884, 0, 35, 5, 40, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 194, 210, 1, 2, 14, 18, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30171, -1, -1, 65514, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'dolpubdb', '', '', NULL, 'Belt_Of_The_Sun', NULL, NULL, NULL);

(`SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsFocus`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `PackageID`, `Spell_ID`)
(65512, 0, 0, 'Summon Moon', 'Summons a magical Staff and Weapon into bearers inventory which, will vanish if its bearer dies at daytime or quits.', 'Self', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'BeltOfMoon', -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 900, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '', 'beltofmoonsummon');

(`SpellID`, `ClientEffect`, `Icon`, `Name`, `Description`, `Target`, `Range`, `Power`, `CastTime`, `Damage`, `DamageType`, `Type`, `Duration`, `Frequency`, `Pulse`, `PulsePower`, `Radius`, `RecastDelay`, `ResurrectHealth`, `ResurrectMana`, `Value`, `Concentration`, `LifeDrainReturn`, `AmnesiaChance`, `Message1`, `Message2`, `Message3`, `Message4`, `InstrumentRequirement`, `SpellGroup`, `EffectGroup`, `SubSpellID`, `MoveCast`, `Uninterruptible`, `IsFocus`, `SharedTimerGroup`, `IsPrimary`, `IsSecondary`, `AllowBolt`, `PackageID`, `Spell_ID`)
(65511, 4573, 4573, 'Moonlight', 'Damages the target and lowers the target\'s resistance to that spell type.', 'Enemy', 1500, 0, 2, 60, 10, 'DirectDamageWithDebuff', 15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0, 'You feel more vulnerable to physical magic!', '{0} seems vulnerable to physical magic!', '', '', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '7b22adb7-2108-464e-9423-a8471faa96a1');

REPLACE INTO itemtemplate
(`Id_nb`, `Name`, `Level`, `Durability`, `MaxDurability`, `IsNotLosingDur`, `Condition`, `MaxCondition`, `Quality`, `DPS_AF`, `SPD_ABS`, `Hand`, `Type_Damage`, `Object_Type`, `Item_Type`, `Color`, `Emblem`, `Effect`, `Weight`, `Model`, `Extension`, `Bonus`, `Bonus1`, `Bonus2`, `Bonus3`, `Bonus4`, `Bonus5`, `Bonus6`, `Bonus7`, `Bonus8`, `Bonus9`, `Bonus10`, `ExtraBonus`, `Bonus1Type`, `Bonus2Type`, `Bonus3Type`, `Bonus4Type`, `Bonus5Type`, `Bonus6Type`, `Bonus7Type`, `Bonus8Type`, `Bonus9Type`, `Bonus10Type`, `ExtraBonusType`, `CanUseEvery`, `SpellID`, `Charges`, `MaxCharges`, `SpellID1`, `Charges1`, `MaxCharges1`, `ProcChance`, `ProcSpellID`, `ProcSpellID1`, `PoisonSpellID`, `PoisonCharges`, `PoisonMaxCharges`, `IsPickable`, `IsDropable`, `CanDropAsLoot`, `IsTradable`, `Price`, `MaxCount`, `IsIndestructible`, `PackSize`, `Realm`, `AllowedClasses`, `Flags`, `BonusLevel`, `LevelRequirement`, `PackageID`, `Description`, `ClassType`, `SalvageYieldID`, `ItemTemplate_ID`, `TranslationId`, `ExamineArticle`, `MessageArticle`)
('Belt_Of_The_Moon', 'Belt of Moon', 50, 50000, 50000, 0, 50000, 50000, 100, 1, 0, 0, 0, 41, 32, 0, 0, 0, 4, 1884, 0, 35, 5, 40, 10, 10, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 196, 210, 156, 2, 14, 18, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 30171, -1, -1, 65512, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'dolpubdb', '', '', NULL, 'Belt_Of_The_Moon', NULL, NULL, NULL);
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Graveen » Sun Apr 22, 2012 9:24 am

Mattress, can you state on what was included (so was missing) on Storm thourgh a Storm Patch note ? :) Thank you !
Good work Viper !!!! :)
Good Work all, thank you for your contributions !
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby viper1805 » Sun Apr 22, 2012 10:13 am

iirc the patch contained midgard throneroom npcs
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby gaming04 » Sat Apr 28, 2012 7:00 pm

Anywhere we can get XML version of this?
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby viper1805 » Fri May 04, 2012 7:59 am

Anywhere we can get XML version of this?
The XML is only for testing purpose (such as ... does the server start at all)
for a gaming enviroment we only provide mysql-data
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Blue » Fri May 04, 2012 8:44 am

Anywhere we can get XML version of this?
There is no reason not to use mysql. You can import the sql files easily.
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby mattress » Sat May 05, 2012 3:06 am

Updated mythirians and mob lootlists, still some myth's missing from loottemplates, I'm working on a regional loot generator so they can drop from any mob in the lab.

Had to upload as .txt since .sql is not allowed as an upload and the queries are too large to post.
Mythirian LootTemplates.txt
(21.82 KiB) Downloaded 85 times
Mythirian ItemTemplates.txt
(141.42 KiB) Downloaded 87 times
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Lost » Sun May 06, 2012 6:35 pm

Thanks for the hard work everyone! we all appreciate it a lot.
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Lost » Sun May 06, 2012 7:20 pm

@Mattress i used the attached text files to alter my up to date via svn dol pub db v3. and am now getting the following errors, im attempting to figure out where i went wrong but maybe you could give me some clues as to where i should look?
Code: Select all
14:53:05,549 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Mythirian_of_Endurance is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Maghras
14:53:07,174 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Balorian Aonghus
14:53:07,362 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Marooned Viking
14:53:07,377 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Thrawn Ogre Thresher
14:53:07,862 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Sanidon
14:53:08,612 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Patrolling Drakulv
14:53:08,690 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Werewolf Scavenger
14:53:10,409 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Ravenclan Giant
14:53:11,034 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Ellyll Explorer
14:53:19,924 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Campkeeper
14:53:20,096 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Impling
14:53:20,174 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Cluricaun Scout
14:53:20,268 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Sunken Skeleton
14:53:20,284 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Drowned Vendo
14:53:20,315 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Siabra Runner
14:53:20,518 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Vendo Wayfarer
14:53:20,862 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Casolith
14:53:20,877 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Angry Bwca
14:53:20,893 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Angry Bwca
14:53:20,909 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Angry Bwca
14:53:21,159 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Coerced Groover
14:53:21,206 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Curmudgeon Harvester
14:53:21,206 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Curmudgeon Poacher
14:53:21,221 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Curmudgeon Trapper
14:53:21,268 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Goborchend Gasher
14:53:21,377 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Siabra Guardian
14:53:21,487 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Siabra Waterwalker
14:53:21,643 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Corpan Side
14:53:21,674 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Empyrean Overseer
14:53:21,674 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Far Darrig
14:53:21,706 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Leprechaun
14:53:21,706 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Leprechaun
14:53:21,737 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Luricaduane
14:53:21,799 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Primrose
14:53:21,815 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Roane Maiden
14:53:21,815 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Silver-Maddened Werewolf
14:53:21,831 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Weewere
14:53:22,065 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Silver-Flecked Skeleton
14:53:22,112 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Undead Drudger
14:53:22,362 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Cave Trow
14:53:22,393 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Cave Trow Trollkarl
14:53:22,440 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Hobgoblin Prankster
14:53:22,440 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Huldu Lurker
14:53:22,502 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Ellyll Froglord
14:53:22,627 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Ellyll Guard
14:53:22,831 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Wolfaur Headsman
14:53:22,846 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Ellyll Windchaser
14:53:22,909 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Chillsome Wight
14:53:22,940 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Lost Hagbui
14:53:22,987 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Undead Troll Warrior
14:53:23,377 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Rowdy
14:53:23,690 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Suitor Spirit
14:53:23,721 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Muire Lady-in-Waiting
14:53:23,737 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Siabra Wayguard
14:53:23,799 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Greater Telamon
14:53:23,846 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Orchard Nipper
14:53:23,940 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Vendo Yowler
14:53:24,518 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Tomte Scavenger
14:53:24,784 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Werewolf Royal Guard
14:53:24,971 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Granite Giant Gatherer
14:53:25,002 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Granite Giant Outlooker
14:53:25,018 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Granite Giant Pounder
14:53:25,034 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Granite Giant Stonecaller
14:53:25,424 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Slave Master
14:53:25,659 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Drakulv Disciple
14:53:25,674 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Drakulv Executioner
14:53:25,690 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Drakulv Protector
14:53:25,706 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Drakulv Sacrificer
14:53:25,784 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Svartalf Bloodbinder
14:53:26,252 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Rusty Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Grilk
14:53:26,362 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Azure Cleanser
14:53:26,534 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Pygmy Goblin
14:53:26,627 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Cailleach Guard
14:53:26,924 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Far Dorocha
14:53:27,065 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Spiteful Sylvanshade
14:53:27,081 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Malignant Sylvanshade
14:53:27,799 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Enchanted Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Thrawn Ogre Bana
14:53:27,956 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Everspark Tinderbox is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Morvalt Beskydda
14:53:29,049 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Mythirian_of_Endurance is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Spirit Guardian
14:53:29,409 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Mythirian_of_Endurance is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: Zhulrathuul
14:53:29,549 - [MAIN] - ERROR - DOL.GS.LootGeneratorTemplate - ItemTemplate: Augmented_Adroit_Mythirian is not found, it is referenced from loottemplate: undergoblin sorceror
Looks like i found a few hiccups Mattress. Seems like what happened was there was some ItemTemplate_ID's that were set as Augmented_Adroit_Mythirian which was causing some of the replaces to not correctly make the changes needed. Once i corrected these the Mythirians in the ItemTemplate db are corrected. Going to check into how this minor bug affected LootTemplates now. I've attached a revised copy of your original text to save you some time, i dont mean to step on your toes if this is the case just let me know. Just trying to help out =D

edit: Everything seems to working ok for me now, no messages.
Mythirian ItemTemplates Revised.txt
Revised Mythirian Item Templates
(140.03 KiB) Downloaded 128 times
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby mattress » Sun May 06, 2012 9:47 pm

Looks like a couple Item Templates may not have made it for some reason....are the Tinderbox errors related in any way?

....nevermind, I see it, the ItemTemplate_ID column on Storm is not a unique field, I used the ItemCreator to make a handful of those, so that field got duplicated. Don't worry about my toes, if I messed something up, I have no problems being pointed to them! Thanks.
Matt450/Variations of "Matt"
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Leodagan » Thu Jul 11, 2013 4:48 pm

Is this SVN still up to date ?

I notice latest updates are from 2011...

I would like to update it, but maybe there is a better "starter" kit ?
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby HunabKu » Fri Jul 12, 2013 4:23 am

The DoL Official DB containt this DB and is the most up-to-date DB on forum :
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Re: [LATEST] DOLPubDB v3.0

Postby Leodagan » Fri Jul 26, 2013 6:51 pm

I updated DolPubDB with a new "collection" script made from latest Official DB, adding Templated Mobs from automated scripts, and some Darkness Fall adds from Hunab Ku (was a test for my Templating Script)

Only one new file :


More merges are upcoming as I work on my data-comparisons scripts !
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