PvP servers wish list

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PvP servers wish list

Postby madskaizer » Wed May 01, 2013 11:07 am

Hello all

I am writing this thread as a pvp player in distress. I have met many other pvp players on the different pvp shards and discussed the following issues with them.

1) Instant 50 and some realm rank + fully capped gear will make people see the server as a test server, you can reroll in 30 seconds and thereby got no bonding to the character, there is nothing that keeps you from just quitting as this server will never feel as a home.

2) It is nescesary to limit the classes available, for a pvp server where most of the action, on a new server, will be 1vs1 or small groups, the classes with insane amount of selfheal is there in greater numbers, due to the fact that if you can heal in fight, you win. There is a couple of ways to do this, either by disabling classes like vampiir, mauler, bonedancer or another popular way is to make it a "classic" pvp server, nothing newer than SI (and that would even include a nerfed bd)

3) Example: I log into a server, roll my lvl 50 with gear, capped, buffed and everything, I kill some players, I get killed, people log out, people log in, a lot of the time the few that are online are sitting in the setup area looking at spec and ra. So what do you do as a lvl 50 with gear, capped, buffed and everything.... nothing, because there is nothing to do, and you have only been on the server for 5 minutes.

4) PvE is an important part of a pvp server, instant 20 with free bad gear as in the old days would be the optimum scenario for me and many of the players I have met. When reading on some shards forums where it is discussed how to get more players, people talk about double, triple, quadruple exp, rp, bp etc. But what need is 5 times rp if there is noone to kill... If I am lvl 20 and there is noone to kill, go exp, if people are online, start hunting people around exp spots, this was all part of the great Camlann fun.

5) Server admins, gms and developers, ask yourself why Uthgard is the most popular, it is because the server feels like a home and you bond with your characters.

Rambling and points mentioned more than twice is likely to occur.

TLDR: I am looking for someone to open a "instant lvl 20" pvp classic server, maximum with SI.
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Re: PvP servers wish list

Postby Graveen » Wed May 01, 2013 12:05 pm


I suggest you try Storm:D2 shard, you should have fun on it, although it is not PvP one :)
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