Postby Krimshaw » Sat Jan 18, 2014 3:28 am
Hi guys,
So I downloaded the DAoC game. Made, or atleast tried to create, an account for Origins server. I have not received the validation email, and I made the account yesterday morning. I have requested several emails for it. I am asking for help on this forum because I can not log onto Origins forums. So my problem is this... I saw several people state that they could log onto Origins threw the DAoC portal by using a account registered through it. I made an account, validated it, and logged onto Origins. During the first load screen it stops. I get a message in the top left corner saying that there is no valid username data. What do you guys recommend I do? I have no way to log onto Origins forums to ask for help. If someone could, and are willing, would you go to the forums for Origins and ask them to validate the username Krimshaw?