Morgana PvP

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Morgana PvP

Postby Crazys » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:41 pm

Hey Everyone!!!!

The Host and his wife ended up having a lot of issues come up in real life that they had to address and needed to back out of the project at this time. With power outages that started the down time leading into this decision. I will be getting a full copy of the last DB and latest copy of the server we where running and then moving from there with what the next step will be. At this time I don't have a current host to replace them.

Its sad to hear with the progress and positive momentum we where gaining to see it derailed already.

Sorry to be the bringer of bad news!

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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby Ciii » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:54 pm

Sad to hear. I was really enjoying your take on a PvP server. The action, although low population, was very fluid. The city keep takes was really cool too. It seems to me you'll need to setup an actual webpage where you can fund the server like all other DOL servers do, taking donations. Keep us posted every a few days if you would!
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby teekxx » Fri Oct 10, 2014 2:50 am

Not okay, NOT OKAY! Just kidding, hope we can get it back soon man!
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby Crazys » Fri Oct 10, 2014 3:20 am

Last copy of the files pulled and are now running on a Temp server till a more permanent option is found.
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby Leodagan » Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:16 am


I'm sorry to hear the troubles you're having... Have you thought of renting a dedicated server ?

If you're skilled in remote administration and have an average 15/20E to spend in hosting, you should be able to get a QuadCore + 8 GB RAM to service your shard ;)
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Actually the only problem was you

Postby TheLivingTribunal » Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:45 pm

We had no real life issues, the "power outages" never really happened hell we live in Utah the power never goes out here.

That being said the main issue was crazys himself he was bi-polar about the entire project, one second he was all for it then then next he didn't want to do anything so my wife and I decided we had enough of his immature ups and downs.

We have moved on to hosting another game anyway that I have full control of and is doing great.

Good luck to you Crazys seeing as the server is now 0 and I am still weirded out by you suggesting a duel shield wielding class...

Oh and this "My comment to you" wow I just want to throw up when ever you would say that.
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Re: Actually the only problem was you

Postby Crazys » Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:29 pm

We had no real life issues, the "power outages" never really happened hell we live in Utah the power never goes out here.

That being said the main issue was crazys himself he was bi-polar about the entire project, one second he was all for it then then next he didn't want to do anything so my wife and I decided we had enough of his immature ups and downs.

We have moved on to hosting another game anyway that I have full control of and is doing great.

Good luck to you Crazys seeing as the server is now 0 and I am still weirded out by you suggesting a duel shield wielding class...

Oh and this "My comment to you" wow I just want to throw up when ever you would say that.
Its sad that you faked power outages to hurt the server and didn't talk to me directly. My bi-polar attitude was 2 things. Whenever someone suggests an Idea I always play devils advocate. If you can't counter 1 persons negatives how do you expect to counter an entire server? Also due to Medication issues (that you faked or not) had more ups and downs and craziness then called for. You took your wife's computer and made it a server then expected her to not get upset 2 weeks later when she still couldn't use it.

I never said one negative thing about your leaving other then the information you gave me. You had family things to deal with and power outages and you choose to move away.

To see you coming back and trolling just proves your adolescent tendencies and why I was starting to give up on the project. You sat there and could not commit to one idea or one fix without bouncing around to 15 others. I spent far more time the I'm willing to admit getting the server up and running while you just watched.

At the end of the day when you found out that this couldn't make you money you bailed.
Regardless of what you wish to admit I know that this is the truth.

The server may not have the fake population that you brought it logging in 20 accounts (this wasn't fooling anyone) Or the fact you pulled your "friends" off the server and back talked it to no end doesn't surprise me.
Or the fact you try and hold the domain above our heads instead of transferring it over forcing us to get Just proves your power and money hungry and where in this for all the wrong reasons.

The server is many times better off now that your no longer a part of it. I no longer feel the stress of progressing it as I did with you in control. Anything that didn't go your way you threw a hissy fit like a toddler and walked away.
Morgana PvP will continue to develop as myself and the other Staff members have time casually and hopefully one day be a strong robust server among the DOL greats.

@ DoL the admins. Sorry this went public feel free to lock this.
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby TheLivingTribunal » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:38 pm

No it nothing to do with any of the above it was just you having temper tantrums, I never needed any money just wanted to have fun and if the server is better off why is it at 0 ? Also I would never bothered to log in multiple accounts... I don't even know why that would be considered.

I played official server after I left =p then found a fun game! Anyway not trying to start drama just your just a strange fella and we had enough of you! Bye!
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby TheLivingTribunal » Wed Nov 05, 2014 11:40 pm

Oh yea and the URL I bought that yea ... geez your strange.
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby Shorandar » Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:56 am

Im not taking sides one way or the other, because i dont know the entire story of what went on nor do i care to know. All i can say is i have noticed a difference in crazys from before all this happened and after all this happened and honestly he is no where near as stressed. We have no time limits on anything, stuff gets done when it gets done and everyone seems to be ok with that. The fact that your wife told me you guys had a lot of real life stuff going on and that you had power outages which caused the server to go down just backs when you also said to crazys. I dont want any issues with the server, you guys backed out and thats fine. Please dont come here and start causing drama, it just looks bad on you. As for the URL, your right, you bought it and its yours. I respectfully ask that you either sell it to us at the price you purchased it for, or remove the forwarding to our server as we do not need it anymore. You know how to contact me if you wish to sell it.
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Re: Morgana PvP

Postby Tolakram » Thu Nov 06, 2014 4:54 am

Oh yea and the URL I bought that yea ... geez your strange.


Sorry your life sucks Tribunal. I mean, really, I can't think of any other reason to lie and then come here and attempt to embarrass someone.
- Mark
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