Daoc Server(s)

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Which server ?

PvP (I50 / Leveling)
PvE (I50 / leveling)
Fun Server (I50 / Leveling) - Credit goes to Empty
No votes
Arena Server (I50 / leveling)
No votes
Battleground Server (I50 / leveling)
Scenario Server (Leveling) - Credit goes to D2 - storm
Custom Build Server (I50)
Game Server (I50 / Leveling) - Credit goes to Empty
No votes
Total votes : 11

Daoc Server(s)

Postby JasonC » Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:40 am

So, lately I've been quite curious about the Freeshard servers on Daoc Portal. I've noticed that each one has major flaws that poke holes in weather or not it's worth to play. Well I was just curious on what type of servers everyone wants to play, and how they want to play it? Personally, I wouldn't want to play an I50 with instant stats, I would like to at the very least do some crafting. But that's my opinion, I'm going to create a poll, and you guys can leave a comment. Here are the options I've come up with (including some based off of developers that I know)

PvP (I50 / Leveling)

PvE (i50 / leveling) (I50 PvE would be instant raids, and all dungeons would be level 50+ instead of regular levels)

Fun Server ( I50 / leveling ) Everyone would have basic GM commands where they can use to modify speed / leveling rates etc.. but they could not kill players, teleport other players, or use any major functions that could ruin the idea.

Arena Server ( i50 / leveling ) small quest lines that level you from 1 - 50 by making you kill players in arenas that match you with players of your level (1-3 level difference))

Battleground Server (I50 / Leveling) You level up by doing PvE groups inside the corresponding BGs (E.g - Lions den 1 - 5)

Scenario Server (leveling) You level up by doing custom quests made to follow mythic scenarios set in place.. Kinda like Tajendi part 1, 2, and i think there was a 3rd. In a case, it would be sort of like the server D2 - storm. Which if anyone wants to check it out it was nicely done.

Custom Build Server (I50) You basically get everything the world of daoc for free (unlimited platinum) and you can do anything and everything that has been introduced since the beginning of Daoc all the way up to Trials of Atlantis.

Game Server (I50 / leveling) This idea was the GM "Empty"'s idea I just want to throw it out there for everyone to see. Basically what it's exactly what it says it is. A game mode server, Soccor, capture the flag, Capture the points, control the keep. Etc... ( Ideas are welcome for the game modes)

These are all the ideas that I have come up with, and heard. I'll put the Poll in so everyone can vote. If you need more discription or information on any of the server ideas then just leave in the comments or hit me up on skype - Drag0nblood2.
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Re: Daoc Server(s)

Postby Gigger » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:38 pm

The Best on Daoc is from lvl 1 to lvl 50 with PVE and low XP

good old Daoc Style :D
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Re: Daoc Server(s)

Postby Hardnuke » Tue Nov 03, 2015 2:26 pm

For me DaoC was good until DR, before laby release and new Archery. I started with ToA, so farming doesen't bother me ^^.

For me a perfect well rounded Server would be:

Patch goal around 1.83-85, short before Laby release
With all classes except Laby classes,´couldn't get the point of Maulers...
All Stuff included in this expansions until the Patch goal.
I'm a non-classic player and all "good" shards out there are with OF, Old-RA and missing cata classes/races thats rly frustrating.
I don't need uber xp-rating, but not as low as Uth was.

Sice Uth decided to switch to OF, i left...those keeps are horrible for Siege. Which was a main part of RvR fun while my DaoC live experience (remebering a 6hr fight at Beno against Zerg of Mids :D ).
Genesis was fun to play some Months. I tried OF again after a year w/o DaoC, but i don't get used to it.... No keep fights possible, all just roaming around, senseless Milegates where you get jumped from stealthers...

Atlantis have a similar setup which i like Patch 1.83, NF etc but no Cata/DR expansion and classes + stuff, which is a lot :(
Sadly no real news over a half year, still Alpha and no progess to see....

Maybe a good Server show up in some future. The hope dies last :D
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