I had a bit time to look through it and made changes in the style damage calculation. I made also changes in the proc delve, but that is not my main concern

I wanted to address the following things:
- style damage cap does not exist on Live because style damage is bound to the base damage done (except if you want to mimic the wrong display of style damage)
- Wyrd missed the offset part of the growth (m * x +n instead of m * x) and therefore the formula is missing an offset (that can be pretty big)
- PA, BS and BS II from Critical Strike follow the same mechanism (rate*spec + offset) as the normal styles with the only exception that weapon speed does not matter
- ToA-StyleDamage is calculated on the base damage and NOT the style damage, therefore detaunts do style damage if you have ToA-StyleDamage items equipped (Live behavior)
- currently DOL delves class specific procs as well as default procs for the same style, altho only the class specific is in effect you could work around this by make class specific procs for every class with the same style, but for lines like 'Swords' that doesn't seem sensible
- readability of ExecuteStyle method in general

To make up for the changes in regard to PA, BS, BS II these queries are necessary:
- Code: Select all
ALTER TABLE style ADD `GrowthOffset` double;
- Code: Select all
UPDATE style s SET s.GrowthOffset = 5, s.GrowthRate = 4.66 WHERE s.SpecKeyName = 'Critical Strike' AND s.SpecLevelRequirement = 2; UPDATE style s SET s.GrowthOffset = 45, s.GrowthRate = 6 WHERE s.SpecKeyName = 'Critical Strike' AND s.SpecLevelRequirement = 10; UPDATE style s SET s.GrowthOffset = 75, s.GrowthRate = 9 WHERE s.SpecKeyName = 'Critical Strike' AND s.SpecLevelRequirement = 21;
PS.: In Wyrd there is a different growth rate listed for PA,BS,BSII with two-handed weapons, but that was not in DOL before and would be easy to implement if necessary. I did not yet do it, because I need to test some things beforehand - two-handed damage in general.(already addressed)