i'm currently running my new project on the portal , Evolution shard.
I'm posting here today to share with you my current guides npc that i coded recently for my shard and to handle multiple languages.
The npc uses a main list to store the data which is loaded from database. I added also a quick command to reload the data on the list in-game.
Just fill the string and ids into database.
Fields are :
Language StrID GuideType Title Folder Guides_ID
so for example :
English | 0 | npc | "Server Rules" | "It is forbidden : ..." | npc_eng0
English | 1 | npc | "How to connect" | "Download game.dll..." | npc_eng1
and so on for all the languages.
I tested the scripts with the latest dol svn revison and it works for me.
Thats all .
I apologize to senior programmers here but i'm currently coding for fun on my server and maybe my code could be not so elegant but it's doing his job

anyway i hope you enjoy