For me DaoC was good until DR, before laby release and new Archery. I started with ToA, so farming doesen't bother me ^^.
For me a perfect well rounded Server would be:
Patch goal around 1.83-85, short before Laby release
With all classes except Laby classes,´couldn't get the point of Maulers...
All Stuff included in this expansions until the Patch goal.
I'm a non-classic player and all "good" shards out there are with OF, Old-RA and missing cata classes/races thats rly frustrating.
I don't need uber xp-rating, but not as low as Uth was.
Sice Uth decided to switch to OF, i left...those keeps are horrible for Siege. Which was a main part of RvR fun while my DaoC live experience (remebering a 6hr fight at Beno against Zerg of Mids
Genesis was fun to play some Months. I tried OF again after a year w/o DaoC, but i don't get used to it.... No keep fights possible, all just roaming around, senseless Milegates where you get jumped from stealthers...
Atlantis have a similar setup which i like Patch 1.83, NF etc but no Cata/DR expansion and classes + stuff, which is a lot
Sadly no real news over a half year, still Alpha and no progess to see....
Maybe a good Server show up in some future. The hope dies last