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Postby Ambron » Sat Jan 14, 2017 10:08 pm

There are so many custom servers out there which edited so much stuff that confuses everyone who connects the first times. Some of the servers are so edited that you have no idea whats up.

I was wondering why nobody thought about doing a DAoC-DotA-Style-Server.
The Server would not need many Players actual online to have action on the server because there are minions/ guards moving around attacking keeps (and towers).

I started to build such a server on my own but broke up because i miss some skills and knowledge to build a stable, funny and bugfree server. I set the Frontier to NF, set the spawnpoints in front of the frontierkeeps, closed the way to PvE-zones and some smaller things.

Here is just an idea for creative people with skills to realize them:
Map : Only New Frontier
Guards spawning at borderkeep and moving to keep to keep and attacking it if it belongs to an enemy.
Every Keep that belongs to the friendly realm spawns additional guards in front of the keep which are following the waypoints from keep to keep.
The PvE could be made kinda custom with instances or something like that.

Like i said before you would not need many players to give the players something to do like fighting with the guards to take a keep/relic.

DotA (moba) is a (maybe the most) popular gamestyle today. So a server with this gamestyle could be popular in the daoc community as well ;)
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby HunabKu » Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:19 am

Good Luck Ambron !
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Leodagan » Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:36 am

I thought about this kind of modding for DOL some times ago.

MOBA play-styles are interesting for the instant-action and the short time you can dedicate for a single run.

But with DAoC base Client I couldn't find a satisfying "Map" to use for a DOTA-Like, there is nothing that can mimic "Lanes", only a few area use "Clipping" to restrain player movement so the action is focused along the "roads" from goal to goal...

And lastly, you cannot spawn keep structures in non-frontiers region, so you have to choose from the pool of NF or Battlegrounds regions to be able to use dynamic keep structure for the mod, or else rely on world object and game NPC to mimic the DOTA-Like Spawn Camp and Defensive Towers !
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby HunabKu » Sun Jan 15, 2017 12:05 pm

"C'est l'ignorance qui apporte le chaos, pas la connaissance."
Scarlett Johansson dans "Lucy" de Luc Besson
"Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge."
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Ambron » Tue Jan 17, 2017 7:07 pm

What is wrong with NF for a moba-style daoc? You could do 2 lanes for each realm starting from each borderkeep. Of course the action would focus on the waypoints of the guards but thats kinda the idea of moba ^^
the Jungle (rest of the map) is just to get some extra stuff ;) So you could put some kinda Bossmobs there which drop buff potions if you really wanna copy dota/moba :P
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Leodagan » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:31 pm

Well I always thought that a strategic aspect of DotA gameplay was the ability to use different "Lanes" to reach your goal...

Top/Bottom if I remember correctly are pretty much longer than Central Lane, you have to make choices for speed versus crowded lanes, and you can pretty much trap your enemy by luring them in the alternative lanes when they are rushing straight into your spawn camp :P
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Ambron » Wed Jan 18, 2017 5:24 pm

Thats right. But it would be hard to build a 1:1 dota-like daocserver ^^ To build a server with instanced matches where you level up your hero in every match from the beginning. Thats not what i was thinking of ^^

The question is what would be the goal? When you take NewFrontier, the goal would be pretty much to take the relics. In advance there could be a Lord on each Borderkeep who can be raided and killed (for drops, title or extra guard spawn with reset of the raided realm frontier or sth else).

The Three-Realm-System does change the whole moba-thing as well.
When your, lets say 2 lanes, move over Agramon, they maybe split. 1lane to one enemy realm and the other lane to the other enemy realm.
The 2 Lanes would merge at the outer frontierkeep (Dun Crauchon, Bledmeer Faste, Caer Benowyc). So you have several tiny goals with your lanes ^^
One Question would be how your guardlanes act in the enemy realm. Do they split again and fight against both lanes of the enemy realm (would need massive help of players, maybe a good idea) or would one realm attack one lane and the other realm would attack the other lane. The second way would mean that you can hardly get both relics of one enemy realm. For example albion could just take midgards str relic and hibernias magic relic and so on.

But all those questions could be answered by the admin/host ;) If something does not work quite well you can change it and try another model.

I still think there is a huge potential.
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:50 pm

If you can set up an server like that i can step in and do some database stuff for you for the server if you need an helpful hand but ofc you will need a few scripts to make this work but for that you need learn class based scripting or someone who can do it (C+ or C++)
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Ambron » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:20 pm

Well i have basic C++ knowledge and already did some little things in the scripts. But its not enough to really run a server.
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:38 pm

Oh it is to be true ^^

the main thing is you need define clear targets get 1-2 gms define a daily amount of work you want do (something like a homework plan) make sure the gms can work together then fix something and leave the database/content/worldbuilding to the gms that relates to the scripts/code change you have done.

And on other hand you should note many things can be done on many ways. lets say this way i dont have an clue what DotA is but i give you an example:
lets say i understood it right and its some kind of quick fights normally instanced or limited time period with some quick ways to get some stuff and even the way to unlock things in long term.

So you could just take an artifact that levels from 0-10 and add 2 charges to it both to cast a modded animist pet (a copy of it modified to target an merchant/trainer npctemplate in db so peeps can spawn one of both by using the item charge if artifact leveled enough.
But on other hand you could ofc create a totally new system like the scrolls storm got but at end its both the same in the eyes of players but first part is mainly db work second is mainly scripting.

So infact if you know how to use db well you can sometimes work around scripting problems (or not enough time for doing it)

And rather then spawning realmguards you could spawn just mobs and edit the npctemplate to make em act like realmguards so they merge better with the idea couse if you would have tasks in the server you could just camp road and chainkill the guards as they come.

I know its not very exact but it should show you there are many ways to reach the target by balancing just the work between db and core.
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Ambron » Sat Jan 21, 2017 5:11 pm

Well i may discuss that with a friend with slightly more experience of creating a daoc server and editing stuff ^^
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Sat Jan 21, 2017 6:35 pm

Hehe ok but if you ever have an question feel free to sent me an pm on forum couse im that long gm/admin so im very knowledged and often around on forum^^.
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby Ambron » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:10 pm

well i would keep u in mind if we start such a project. And i would keep the dol community up-to-date ^^ But lets see if we have the motivation ;)

If some1 else wants to lead such a project i would be happy as well ... i am more like the gamer :P
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Re: DAoC DotA

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Sat Jan 21, 2017 9:33 pm

would be nice ofc but i learned hard way you should allways do your own couse realife of developers n such things can allways end an project before it started and only you know how hard you wish for an server not possible staff members running around.

That is why i do currently an Dol Public Database project (to be new database) that result in my own 1.110 livelike server.

Atm i do proper portal keep guards couse besides uthgard no server had ever proper working portal keep guards.

ofc i do much more but i dont do everything to ensure download public db is all you need to do for your server to filtre the staff slightly via db skills n such.
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