From now on tegstewart will develope this db i gonna sent him time to time some fixes but now its time for my own server^^.
And soon he did the adjusted he will post down in this topic his developement thread.
(this Public DB is meant to be under permanent developement, old developer give it to next by that we can ensure the public db get better and better and the user files sent to topic of current developer can add it to public db like graveen do with code)
(there may be some npc in *j dftest but those are workhelper)
Mostly combinated most useful dbs rest you can see below.
Download: ... p/download
Following things are supposed to not working if you use it (to make sure not everyone can one click making server and get alot of money by donates just to close it after)
Paths not assigned to mobs/items
Housing NPCs that are placed on hookpoints missing sell lists
A few item stats.
A few to much duplicates of mobs you need remove if you use this DB. (that is supposed so you can see ingame what package work best for you in wich zone and then you can do an combined sql command to find the wrong packages in specific zone and delete em couse otherwise you ether have empty zones or need remove to much by hand and if i decide for you i maybe find out in 1 year or something wait for toa this package and for si another would have been good)
Only Old Keeps in DB
Following things are added:
Fixed Housing
Full list of Teleport locs on teleporter npcs.
Classic One time drops
The missing town Brynach in Valley of Bri Leith has been added
The issue that Gale the mob in Cliffs of Moher in Hib was leather dye merchant has been solved.
The issue that Trahern the merchant in hib and the mob in dartmoor alb used the same npc template has been solved.
Missing Doors has been added to all clasic / Si maps and the frontier relic gates has been added
Most renegade guards has been removed from classic and si map and also Tir na Nog the ones in frontiers still exist couse you can do keeps around the towns and relic keeps to change it.
Championlevel skills has been fixed with the query you find in this topic.
Vikings now got staff ability due to the query you find in this topic.
Pictslayer Weapons and Merchants with their Banner has been added to capitals (or to be exact not removed to upload)
(The Pictslayer Items are an alpha Version they gonna be reworked but allready work temporal)
The Special Npcs in Hib ''Scrios de Atlantis'' has been set to realm 3 changed Mob Class and item AtlanteanGlass has been added so they dialog messages displayed correct and the item have model level stacksize should be also correct.
Speed of 12k mobs has been fixed.
Dragonsworn Staff (Alb) has been fixed on storm by me and is now correct in this DB too.
Thanks to hope the missmatches of loot and itemtemplate has been fixed.
Proper realmguards in NF (for svasud faste, vindsaul faste, druim ligen, druim cain,castle sauvage, snowdonia fortress)
Check Default Portal Keep guards looking here (npc template n such you can check yourself db wise later^^): ... 87#p158387
fixed mobclass on a long list of mobs
corrected 28 issues of db reading issue of server
fixed dragon items
added dragonscale class to dragonscale merchants
PLEASE NOTE: This DB may look very like a finished server but its just an more stable start for an Livelike server it dont fit every of your needs.
(thanks to following peeps helping me)
Yay of Storm - Helping me to solve the things that occured by merging.
Leodagan - Explaining me a few scripts so the Database merge with latest Code
Satyr of Storm - Remembering the things i should do and wich not
Trishin of Uthgard - Sorting my boiling brain as some things broke
Mzae of Atlantis - For sharing my OTD work i did 5 years ago
Graveen - For explaning me what is important
List of the otds i added: