doing tests, you can pull mob to what his maxdistance range is. On next think cycle, he will see he is max distance from spawn and turn around to go home. Then you can attack him again, he turn to chase you. then next think cycle he see he is max distance from spawn and turn around to go home.
So you can sit there( easy as caster) and nuke/kill the mob as he comes back and forth confused.
Tether range also appears to do nothing. Mob will always chase you to what his max distance is. tether set to 1000, max distance 3000, mob chase you to 3000. Even if you sprint after first hit, and mob is out of attack range. this is the code
- Code: Select all
if (Body.IsOutOfTetherRange && !Body.InCombat) { Body.WalkToSpawn(); return; }
I think a mobs MaxDistance should be, the max distance it will chase you on that attack cycle. For example, mob max range is 2000, you attack/aggro mob, it will chase you for 2000 units before giving up, if you reaggro mob on his way home, he will chase you for another 2000 before deciding to go home. I remember this was similar to how it was on Live servers.
Epic mobs can ofcourse just override this too prevent kiting them somewhere.
anyway just some thoughts. I will be trying to modify this a bit to make it more desirable, instead of killing mobs without risk of death