It's been some time since any improvements were made to DAoC Portal, there isn't much here except the brand new connect.exe that can handle newest 1.122 Client and comes with fix for previous revisions...
The other updates are mostly small fixes to improve user experience without getting unexpected exceptions terminating Portal and improved behavior when using the Portal with Linux (either Mono or Wine, but you should stick to Wine...) making the Auto-Update process more dumb-proof !
The Portal now comes with fewer files, it can work with only Portal.exe and Connect.exe being present in the same folder, you can also use the Updater.exe as a portable installer that will take care of retrieving all the needed file in the current folder.
This was a first cleanup for small annoyances that allowed me to better understand the building and update workflow, I'll add other features later if needed

Here is the full Changelog :
- Code: Select all
v2.9.1: - connect.exe v4.0 : Fully rewritten for wide compatibility, support 1.122 client, pure command-line utility. - Update: Portal binaries are now packed with their resources to reduce the install footprint. - Bugfix: No longer crash when internet connexion is unavailble. - Bugfix: Threads are properly terminated when Portal is closed. - Bugfix: A lot more checks added to prevent crashes on easily expected exceptions. - Bugfix: Linux Mono and Wine update scenario tested, still have graphic artefacts with Mono. - Minor text fixes...