I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as intended

There are some faction checks in standardmobbrain... but they need a few tweaks.
Currently I am working on this. A few things I have done / am doing is :
Add server property for "Use NPC factions" , Enabling this will bypass mob aggro values in npctemplate/mob table, and rely on factionaggrolevel table (table that holds players aggro) , of course if a mob has no faction set, it will use npc/mob values.
Add a column in npctemplate for "FactionID" - can create a mob with faction already set. This one will be a problem though.. as it will be empty when created and with replacemobvalues...bye bye factions. #edit. actually this was fixed easy with a SQL command , thanks stackoverflow!
Add factionID to "/mob copy" command . Quite annoying copying mobs and then having to set their faction level and reloading them.
Change the faction levels for "Aggressive", Hostile, Neutral, Friendly. This could possibly be a server property for customisation... at the moment I have it set at: aggro > 50 = aggressive , > 25 Hostile , > 0 Neutral , = 0 friendly .
Along with this, having the mob fail the aggro check if it is between 0 & 25 aggrolevel, so it actually is neutral!
Display mob standings on kill (increase/decrease) regardless of your current standing with them. Currently you only see changes when your standing is not at 0 or 100. I think it is nice to always see what factions are affected by the mob.
Anyway , thats just few things i have done and will commit if there is interest. Any other ideas are welcome