New Champion Weapons Research

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New Champion Weapons Research

Postby HunabKu » Tue May 23, 2017 1:09 pm

Hi, Yggdrasil client also contain the new Champion Weapons.
  • I founded the models, you can see them with 1.109c game.dll here.
  • The red text on certains pictures advert you the client will crash if go to hand the weapon with 1.109c game.dll. (4448 and 4463 actualy)
  • The problem is, after a lot of tests, the effect of certains is bugguy with the 1.109c game.dll, and not with 1.122c.
    I think the game ask game.dll for the effect id and this list is different in 1.109c and 1.122c game.dll.
    So if we want all new Champion Weapons works correctly, we need to work on the 1.122c debug and implementation.
  • I've not tested with game.dll between 1.109c and 1.122c. Maybe the new Champion Weapons are implented on early version like 1.122c.
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Re: New Champion Weapons Research

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Tue May 23, 2017 2:07 pm

The client i did is just 1.109 couse of the new keeps and what is supported by servers with the new revisions you can just go further with dlls^^
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Re: New Champion Weapons Research

Postby HunabKu » Wed May 24, 2017 6:53 am

DoL works with 1.122c dll but wrong.
The inventary is totaly buggued for example.
I suspect packet encryption added to login encryption.

I can create a mixed NF files patch for we can use 1rst and 2nd NF Keeps/Towers with the Ellan Vannin Agramon modifications.
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