Could someone translate or sum up what happened in English ?
I understand you had some problems with PlanarChaosRvrtwo behavior on your Shard Schnitte ?
To my knowledge he was working on Storm RvR, I don't think DOL officials should engage in sabotage or threaten other community projects...
I already tried some google translate on your post, but I didn't try to write the messages log from the screenshot...
the translation is not really good to be honest
I understand you had a problem with GM YKing who is DOL user PlanarChaosRvrtwo, and he is trying to endanger your shard and insulting you while talking to your player base.
If that's the case this behavior is unacceptable, especially from someone displayed as a Storm Admin, and I'm reporting this to Graveen and Tolakram to have the matter handled accordingly.
I expect that PlanarChaosRvrtwo reply to these accusations and explain how or why this happened !
I will and can not forgive that, just too much has happened.
He has insulted me, my work, my server, my personal rights, my people tried to stir up against me.
No one can recapture such a thing would forgive that.
Greetings Uwe
hi folks,
first in english,
before i conclude this violation report, i must verify, that the user "YKing", who is visible on the screenshot, is indeed the same character based on the account informations for his admin account. Therefor please upload, or send, a screenshot excerpt, that reflects, that the account name from this ingame character, is equal to the account name from his old GM account, if so - it is clear that PlanarChaos caused this attack!
(I have to assume, in the system administration, that a Storm-Admin does not hand out his GM-credentials just so, even if he is no longer an administrator for this server!)
Otherwise, everybody is able to create a new account with the very same character name just to put him in the wrong light. - Don't get me wrong please, i am an unprejudiced administrator, willing to clear this case on a honest level.
jetzt auf deutsch;
bevor ich den Störfall schließe, muss ich überprüfen, dass der Benutzer "YKing" ,welcher auf dem Screenshot ersichtlich ist, tatsächlich der gleiche Character ist, der aus den verknüpften Kontoinformationen für sein Admin-Konto hervorgeht.
Daher bitte ich darum (@Elcotek), mir ein Screenshot Auszug hochzuladen bzw. zuzusenden, welches wiederspiegelt, dass der gleiche Account-Namen verwendet wurde, welcher mit seinem alten GM-Character verknüpft war (Auszug aus deinem Account Table in der DB) Falls dies so ist, ist es ist klar, dass PlanarChaos diesen Angriff verursacht hat!
(Ich muss nämlich in der Systemadministration davon ausgehen, dass ein Storm-Admin seine GM Credentials nicht einfach so weitergibt, auch wenn dieser kein Administrator mehr auf diesem Server ist!)
Ansonsten ist jeder in der Lage, ein neues Konto mit dem gleichen Charakter zu erstellen, nur um ihn in das falsche Licht zu stellen. - Versteht mich bitte nicht falsch, ich bin ein unparteiischer Administrator, der bereit ist, diesen Fall auf ehrlicher Ebene zu klären.
Danke / Thanks
Lg. / best regards
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