Link to download Database: Incoming
We have already recently published a database that works with the current DOL source code revision in order to provide a common base for DB content development.
However, Since it is a merger of multiple databases there are still a lot of kinks to iron out.
Our goal is to continuously improve this database, fix issues, add content and make structural improvements to share with the community.
Additional improvements and support will be given to those who actually contribute.
That being said, we are looking for team members and contributors to focus our work efforts and push DOL forward again.
Ideally you have experience with at least one database system (MariaDB/MySQL), understand entity relationships and are able to write basic SQL queries.
But even if you don't you can assist by playtesting and documenting issues.
A few conditions apply:
1) Generally every contribution will be shared and made public. You agree to that.
2) Database content must adhere to certain conventions in order to get published.
3) You need to coordinate your work with the team to prevent multiple developers working on the same thing.
Once the teams grows we will provide a Discord channel and a Trello dashboard representing an agile workflow to further coordinate the workload.
For the time being you can post into this thread if you're working on something.
We would be happy to have you onboard