A sneak peak

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A sneak peak

Postby Batlas » Thu Dec 06, 2018 2:55 am

Playing around with DOL again. To give you an idea of what I'm working on, I have attached a SS.

So far I have mob packs that are generated similar to you would expect in an ARPG with a chance to be magical/rare/legendary(WIP). The next step is to actually add the abilities (current task) and then tweak the classes to fit within this system. Some of the ideas I'm looking at come directly from games like PoE where some spells do mana reserve, etc.

I know DOL ain't as popular as it used to be, but I figured this would be a great project to refamiliarize myself with C#.

Other items I've dabbled with so far are AoE styles to help melee characters be able to tackle multiple mobs and a taunt spell similar to WoW to help pull mobs aggro on tanks. Mob hp and respawn rates have been tweaked to help with the rate mobs are killed now.
d049ccbeecee09d1405a29b3b3adee4a.jpg (501.19 KiB) Viewed 4792 times
[22:29] <Arms> someones having sex upstairs -.-
[22:30] <Arms> bbl

[21:16] <Angie> do /me
[21:16] <Batlas> roflmao
[21:16] <Dalaaji> haha
[21:16] <Batlas> wow that came out bad
[21:16] <Angie> wow
[21:16] <Angie> that so came out bad
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Re: A sneak peak

Postby Graveen » Thu Dec 06, 2018 7:52 pm

oh yay !!!
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Re: A sneak peak

Postby xmidnight8x » Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:01 pm

any new and creative content is most welcomed!
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Re: A sneak peak

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Wed Apr 24, 2019 12:24 pm

Sorry if i see it more critical ae styles are rare in daoc and are meant to be since characters that do bombs and such are useless if tanks can do that too tanks try to deal max damage to all targets to hold aggro. If you try your method its nice but its far away from the idea of daoc.
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