After a long time break with only occasionally log in's into freeshards/live/own server i try to get back to my own offline server to play and work on step by step. Over the years i noticed that, with my free time available for games, i simply don't have it any more for most online things. I don't like the competitive view of many players i have met nor the " requirements to be here and there at a certain time for the latest items/abilities or else you won't find a grp". 15 or 20years ago i hadn't so much problems with that but now i like to spent my free time more flexible with my daughter or a good book in the evening etc. I had times where i could log in a month regularly and then for half a year not. When i came back i felt like all things had changed

So for the long speech in short^^ i decided to play offline or at most LAN with a friend or two or maybe my daughter at later times.
So i wanted to ask if someone had something like mobs raiding/claiming/defending a keep? I love to lvl up my toons in the old way but its a little bit boring to x-log then for keep taking/retaking. I remember that some years ago there was a server up here that had that feature and also set up a video to show it. But before i could try it out it was already gone again

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me with that or knows someone who can do it or offer something similar at least so that i can maybe figure it out for myself ( i don't have any experience in scripting or so

And if someone has other stuff that would be nice for a solo/lan server i would be really happy about that too

And in the case i get something worked up myself or can distribute some new stuff for the database i don't have problems to release it here if someone want them.
Although it looks a bit empy here, from what i noticed, I hope there will be somebody who can help me
