I don't understand, Point3D is a integer coordinate, Vector3 is used for the same thing but use floats, if it's better with "Point3D", it's probably a bug in the transition from Point3D to Vector3...The pathing goes much better if you use a mixture of Point3D and Vector, especially pets and riding benefits from it very much.
Yeah, I think there is many dungeons using the same meshes but with different textures, it may be a good way to reduce memory usage to use the same navmesh for themI found a solution. Twilight is also Zone080 Albion. Simply rename the zone in 137 for Hib and 037 for Mid. This works because the mesh is identical for the other zones.
I don't understand, Point3D is a integer coordinate, Vector3 is used for the same thing but use floats, if it's better with "Point3D", it's probably a bug in the transition from Point3D to Vector3...The pathing goes much better if you use a mixture of Point3D and Vector, especially pets and riding benefits from it very much.
RecastBuildRegionID = // classic and SI
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