DB Rules (dont read it alone)

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DB Rules (dont read it alone)

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:38 pm

This topic refers to: http://www.dolserver.net/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=23409

Rule 1: All data sets containing a "Package_ID" field must have it's value set to zone to like "TuscarenGlacier"

Rule 2: All ids have to be written as in this example: Item Name : Medina's Jewel of Nero Id_nb : Medinas_Jewel_of_Nero Itemteplateid: Medinas_Jewel_of_Nero

Rule 3: Spell_Id must represent effect and item or class its from like: Wizzard95damageheatbolt or OnslaughtSleevesAblativeProc
Create duplicates for each new item proc and charge and give it ids like posted above.
The reason is on some patch one item get changed but others not so we dont have to fully rework it.

Rule 4: Itemtemplate field Id_nb must match Itemtemplate_Id.

Rule 5: Path Specific: Path Names should be include mob name and number like: Wretch_of_Winter3

On Guard Paths: Keep Name Name Number for example: Caer_Benowyc_Fighter1 (Name mean guard type not player visible name)

Horse/Gryffon/boat Paths: Path name should be exactly itemtemplate so : Ticket to Svasud Faste Itemtemplateid: ticket_to_svasud_faste_harund = /path save ticket_to_svasud_faste_harund

Rule 6: Unecessary Duplicates get removed itemtemplate wise. (wich also mean fix every table where the duplicate could be used)
DOL dint only gaved me the data to start my server,
it also gaved me 16 amazing years with nice peeps,
and now its on me to return the favor.
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Re: DB Rules (dont read it alone)

Postby zambreck » Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:23 pm

Ok, thx! :mrgreen:
daocportal: Daoc Eternal FR
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