A fully new kind of public db arise

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A fully new kind of public db arise

Postby PlanarChaosRvrtwo » Wed Apr 13, 2022 8:44 pm

I Announced 2017 that i gonna release a new public db, but times has changed and i never really did it:

Within March this year i started again and this time i gonna work till its fully done.

Everyone who want to contribute must follow the following rules:

This db will be 100% public not 1 bit of data will be private.

I allready released a first version of Galladoria wich have the purpose to show the ideals i want establish in the database. Ofc it still have a few issues but should be a far better base in the future then other dbs.

Wich is ofc unfair to say becouse nowadays we can work with tools and knowledge we didnt had in the past, but since we are able to do now we should maybe rework the existing stuff before adding more.

This is my target and i welcome everyone who think similiar.
DOL dint only gaved me the data to start my server,
it also gaved me 16 amazing years with nice peeps,
and now its on me to return the favor.
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