Server Entry Creation Restriction Removed

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Server Entry Creation Restriction Removed

Postby Etaew » Wed May 14, 2008 11:47 pm

As of now, all new servers registered on DAoC Portal will be granted access to the DAoC Portal server list, this removes the need for manual validation by the DOL staff. This restriction was put into place when some members of the community saw fit to abuse this process.

I've made this change for a number of reasons, a few undesirables from the community have either left or gone quiet, as well as the majority of servers registering meeting our standards for entry on the list, those that are enabled have shown good behaviour.

Enjoy the ease of restrictions, but please be mindful of your actions.

I will still probably prune inactive servers and delete the server entry if it has not appeared on the list for 1 month.
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Re: Server Entry Creation Restriction Removed

Postby IStandAloneToo » Fri May 16, 2008 5:18 pm

In addition, we still reserve the right to boot servers off the list for inappropriate actions. We sincerely hope that there will be no case in which we will need to use such force.

One quick mention. Please don't register a server just because you can. Please have a viable server that you really want to offer the community! It would be a blessing to have the Portal only display serious servers!
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Re: Server Entry Creation Restriction Removed

Postby hangten202004 » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:04 am

I was wondering if my server can be placed on the serverlist, I registered and it's been more than 24 hours
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Re: Server Entry Creation Restriction Removed

Postby Dinberg » Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:34 pm

Should no longer be an issue, if you attempt to upload your server now all should be fine :D
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