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Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2017 11:42 pm
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
Uthgard also meets a very specific niche that people demanded of Mythic ever since TOA came out, but which Mythic never did; classic servers.
I'm seeing a whopping 14 people on Gaheris live right now. Meanwhile, Uthgard has 782 people on it. That's pretty telling.
It doesn't help that I've noticed and reported bugs to Broadsword that I later learned online have been a problem for several years without being fixed despite being dirt simple issues.
They did classic servers i guess you mean origin servers.
Cause classic is mythic idea all addons without toa and origin is without new stats or such but classic si darkness rising those 3 addons in one game origins were an idea of mythic ea forbid em to do.
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 12:28 am
by Sand
Well Back to demands:
Every server should offer a curve you can follow by progress developing your char without any big holes.
Every server should offer more then pure hack and slay. (like D2 it also got quests or pvp arena)
Every server should have all principles of daoc working like: craft xp quest and fourth point that can be ether pvp rvr or huge pve encounters.
Every PvP server should offer more then just pvp like mentioned above like in set types tier 1-3 tier 1 free for caps craft it for tier 3 kill encounters in dungeons or something.
Every PvE server should still offer an way to PvP or RvR to incrase attraction for those that live for RvR and PvP so they shoulda ether enable custom things in it or not based upon leaders.
Every RvR or PvP only server need alot of tasks and quest to dont get boring.
And most important rule: Every server should be stable and dont change things if player do things owners dont want. If an player solo an mob that is not meant to solo. Cause its our work to develope but its player work to find ways for something and as long the soloing isnt result of an bug its ok cause players allways find ways to do things you dint recognized. And you dont want alter mobs non stop.
And the last thing: All server shouldnt give extra things for players that give an donation rather then a title.
Agree with this provided that when you say pve needs a way to pvp, that what you mean is a method for gaining realm points not that there needs to be an element where players fight each other. I think a pve server that offers optional content for players to fight each other (such as arena) and an pve means (like taking keeps owned by npcs), would likely do better than purely pve version.
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 1:58 am
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
Well that can work too but i mean pvp with arena is better then pve way to get rps and pve servers that take keeps from npc is just hack and slay in other region.
(just check d2 server realm mode)
i would agree pvp and pve method offer both rps but pve way is 3 times slower.
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 5:22 pm
by Sand
I just see there are players that do not do rvr content but realm ranks/abilities is a core element of the game so at core there needs to be a way to obtain that but for a pve oriented server for those not interested in rvr, then should not be made or obligated to do player versus player.
That I feel was the problem with TOA, it made players who wanted to primarily rvr feel forced into extensive pve.
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2017 10:36 pm
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
What i meant is if an red mob gives 33 rps and player should give atleast 100 rps.
(and i just tried to create and useful demand list for servers for orientation for new developers to dol cause they maybe dont know what to look on)
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Fri Jun 08, 2018 1:53 am
by reefcrazed
Well my entire interest would be to make a server that was 100% custom. Spells, mobs and quest all from scratch. I am not new to this though, running game servers and coding. I know Lua, Perl, Python, C++ and C# and pretty dangerous on the Linux and MySQL end of things. I have three running EqEmu servers that have been running nearly 5 years now. That market is pretty tapped out though, there are probably 50+ servers running there any given day. Plus I am rather bored with the EqEmu scene.
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Tue Aug 07, 2018 2:15 pm
by Gocoooo
I do play on this server:
Brotherland Reworked for RVR action:)
Here is the link for it:
Not many people come on that server.
I mean I never have played on Uthgard. I have never even heard of free shards
before until I was looking for classic DAoC. When I searched for classic DAoC I think it was Google. I found DAoC Genesis at the time. When it was up and running and had people to help me get on the server.
I created an account and to me DAoC Genesis was not the best classic server at the time.
I thought the graphics were dull and the classes didn't work right half the time.
But then I checked out other servers and went on brotherland server and I was like
this server is cool. Then the GM's took that down. I get upset that it gets shut down sometimes.
To me Brotherland is a true classic server with all the Expansions and classes
And why? many player on schnitte server at 2 years,then he make allways reset the server. I have 3x mal new leveling my chars and rr and i have no more fun to lvling.
Well, Schnitte told me he wasn't going to shut down the server again. I asked him in the game
Re: Demands for servers
PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2019 2:43 pm
by reefcrazed
Somehow I missed these post replies, yes two years ago but I am going to reply anyway. You really wonder how much longer they will keep the game running. As technology got better they can probably run the game on one server now but you still have to manage it all and paying people to manage it all eventually labor will surpass profits.