Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2
PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:35 pm
Has something change with this Database and current revision or me being around the kids for 6 weeks has fried my brain 
So If I start my Server with no tables and just the dol DB it creates all the tables fine.
But this script has issues because of capitalization
for example
Dol creates Battleground but this script create's battleground
So you end up with 2 tables
Battleground and battleground
making this totally useless for me at moment.

So If I start my Server with no tables and just the dol DB it creates all the tables fine.
But this script has issues because of capitalization
for example
Dol creates Battleground but this script create's battleground
So you end up with 2 tables
Battleground and battleground
making this totally useless for me at moment.