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Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2

PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:35 pm
by Loki
Has something change with this Database and current revision or me being around the kids for 6 weeks has fried my brain :)

So If I start my Server with no tables and just the dol DB it creates all the tables fine.

But this script has issues because of capitalization

for example

Dol creates Battleground but this script create's battleground

So you end up with 2 tables

Battleground and battleground

making this totally useless for me at moment.

Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 7:52 am
by HunabKu
Hi Jay,
yes it's an old problem that create principal problem on linux.

Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:27 pm
by Loki
Thank you, I think you have just pointed out the difference to me.

MySQL is now hosted on my Ubuntu machine, so this is not a issue if hosted on windows?


Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2

PostPosted: Wed Sep 06, 2017 10:42 pm
by Graveen
Nope this is a linux case, that could be resolve with a single command in my.ini configuration file (i don't remember but you can find it eaily on theses forums in searching mysql + linux or dol + linux)

Re: [LATEST] Ginnungagap DB - 1.2

PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:06 am
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo