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Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:11 pm
by Fuzzlix
Next point. I know Deatwish, Viper1805, etc... are also working on a public database. I think this is interesting to join the efforts :) feel free to pm them ;)
Thanks for your quick answer. i will pm them.

It is true: the kit structure doesnt need THAT fine grained. one "pub_si" should be good enouth. The sub-kits are a suggestion for the case one guy want to do the npcs and someone different does the items (for instance).

Talk you later. I send you a pm to ....


Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:29 pm
by Graveen
The Package_Id where introduced by Aredhel for his necro package - easy upgrading/removing if needed.

Its main problem stands it is difficult to cross reference given package. In example, a mob 'Talos' could be affected to TOA package, ML9 package, AERUS package...

We think about serialised package handling, TOA|ML9|AERUS where the db entry 'd be really removed if packageid is null/empty.

Ty i got your pm:)

Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:12 pm
by Fuzzlix
The Package_Id where introduced by Aredhel for his necro package - easy upgrading/removing if needed.
From my point of view this necro stuff is a user kit. we may name it "ared_necro" for instance. i depends on "pub_si". Aredhel may name the kit like he wish.
Its main problem stands it is difficult to cross reference given package. In example, a mob 'Talos' could be affected to TOA package, ML9 package, AERUS package...
basically all toa stuff may be part of "pub_toa". all the toa sub packets makes sense only in case more than one guy do on toa stuff. If i would be god and able to do all the work by myself, i would define pub_base, pub_classic, pub_si, pub_toa, pub_catacombs, pub_drising, pub_rvr_old, pub_rvr_new. All other kits are more or less descriptive or to split the work. For instance in catacombs i may flag new items as pub_catacombs or pub_crafting_catacombs. So i may find items easier to place them into merchants.
We think about serialised package handling, TOA|ML9|AERUS where the db entry 'd be really removed if packageid is null/empty.
Serialized data may be great from a C# point of view. As a old low level coder i look feared at large text fields used as indexes. a UUID code as a keyfield is a good choice from my point of view - not the best but good. :)

One other importand point is the text encoding in our tables. I switched to german on my local server and some german chars like äöüß looks strange. we need to define a text coding (Collation) for printed strings. may be i screwed somthing up in my local database ;)

btw: may be we should start a new thread to discuss this database stuff?


Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:42 pm
by Graveen
yes, feel free to open one. DB Collation must be general utf8 ci. :)

Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 9:58 am
by Merec
- spell creator (similar to mob creator)
status: Merec is working on this point
My job is done! :)

Re: Most Wanted Contributions

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:08 pm
by Graveen
an done in the royal way :) thank you :)

Re: Most Wanted Contributions [updated Aug?2010]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 7:33 am
by zenoth
Posting here because I told Phen I would. I love this server and am down to help anyway I can. I can learn quick and know where to go to get the infos I need if I don't know the code or procedure for whats asked. My email is and my msn is
in came is Zenoth aka Finecheese

Re: Most Wanted Contributions [updated Aug?2010]

PostPosted: Sun Feb 13, 2011 1:58 pm
by Graveen
Thank you Zenoth, choose what ever fits you best.

Re: Most Wanted Contributions [updated May2011]

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:42 pm
by Tolakram

npc template style support

Re: Most Wanted Contributions [updated May 2011]

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:55 pm
by Tolakram
A shame how many people posted and then vanished.

If you're interested in contributing and you have the skill to do it please try and post results in the contribution forum:

I know a lot of people want to contribute but lack the programming skills. Unfortunately we (though strictly speaking for myself here) don't have the time to offer much assistance. Creating code and offering it for review in the contrib forum is really the best way to move forward as this allows people to comment on the code. Thanks!

Re: Most Wanted Contributions [updated May 2011]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:31 am
by azmishz
Awesome!! It’s just what I need!! Thanks!..............