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Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:28 pm
by geshi
if DAoC Portal automatically downloaded the dll for the players though.. but apparently that's a bad idea, no idea why.
Distributing client files is another legal space entirely
Well, Uthgard are doing it already aren't they? when they download their custom zones upon connecting to their server... I bet quite a few client files are included.. maybe I'm wrong..
Plus, would Mythic really care? I'm sure if they cared that much then they would have cried about us recommending people to install the old game.dlls on here.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:24 pm
by Etaew
We probably could get away with it yes, we just need to decide if we want to go down that route as a project.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:33 pm
by Tolakram
if DAoC Portal automatically downloaded the dll for the players though.. but apparently that's a bad idea, no idea why.
Distributing client files is another legal space entirely
Well, Uthgard are doing it already aren't they? when they download their custom zones upon connecting to their server... I bet quite a few client files are included.. maybe I'm wrong..
Plus, would Mythic really care? I'm sure if they cared that much then they would have cried about us recommending people to install the old game.dlls on here.
Are you going to be responsible for it? These questions are unanswerable and I for one will not push that envelope because I, personally, have too much to lose.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:35 pm
by Argo
The point we should think about are the wins and losses. I am sure the wins wouldn't equal the losses. That Uthgard got away with it is one side of the medal and i for one are happy about that such a server exists but that doesn't measn that we should try it too.
just my two cents
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 3:39 pm
by Leodagan
It's dangerous to mix up Open Source and Free Licenses work with closed source and licensed products.
If you're targeted in copyright infringement you can get trouble and have all the project labeled as "piracy" and usage of DOL could be seen as participating. (they could track every Sourceforge contributor)
The law as changed around copyright and licenses, now it's shoot first talk later !
Open Source World and GNU don't need this

But The portal software could implement an API that allows servers to distribute files ? (which would be responsibilities of shards Admin)
And maintain better isolation of Client, because Uthgard is breaking a lot of things !
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:05 pm
by geshi
Open Source World and GNU don't need this

But The portal software could implement an API that allows servers to distribute files ? (which would be responsibilities of shards Admin)
It already exists apparently, it's what Uthgard uses to share files with the people connecting to their server.. they just haven't shared it yet.. I'm not sure on the reasons, but I'm sure they have a good one.
And maintain better isolation of Client, because Uthgard is breaking a lot of things !
Indeed, the Uthgard patch breaks a few zones for other servers

Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:07 pm
by geshi
Are you going to be responsible for it? These questions are unanswerable and I for one will not push that envelope because I, personally, have too much to lose.
Well DAoC Portal is the software sharing Mythic's files with the players... so isn't Dawn of Light already responsible? not really sure how this kind of thing works.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:39 pm
by Blue
The idea was that other servers can also provide patches but switching between the patches is not implemented yet and would cause downloading the mods and patching the client on every server change.
Ideally the list of required mods would be supplied by the server list. Means as a server admin you can select which mods should be active in the daocportal server setup page.
Current best option is to use a different client directory for Uthgard if another server is incompatible with our files.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:58 pm
by Etaew
Ideally the list of required mods would be supplied by the server list. Means as a server admin you can select which mods should be active in the daocportal server setup page.
Speaking of which, didn't I give Uthgard control over the DAoC Portal page as well as the client? :p
The site needs some love, potentially an update will be on the horizon, depending if my interest in DAoC rekindles.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:13 pm
by geshi
Current best option is to use a different client directory for Uthgard if another server is incompatible with our files.
Well the problem is that the Classic Patch moves the portal keeps (svasud etc)... on PvP servers this is a huge problem.. players without the patch will see people with the patch floating where the portal keeps should be... a few PvP servers (I'm talking open world ones here) had to completely block off those areas and try and force everyone to uninstall the patch.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:27 pm
by Argo
Geshi, i am using two directories as blue already stated above and i have no problems to use old frontiers and on the other client the new frontiers. I think that might be quite a good solution for all of us. Well at least it doesn't harm me

Uthgard has chosen the OF as their path and hey, i am one of those people that like the good old times ambiente

The rest goes for new frontiers which also has his pro's and con's. Who wants to say who is right with his choice and who is wrong? There's space enough for both worlds. Besides that, it is easy to patch back to NF from mythic. Gamedll 1.109 is also no problem so who cares
kind regards
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:45 am
by geshi
Geshi, i am using two directories as blue already stated above and i have no problems to use old frontiers and on the other client the new frontiers. I think that might be quite a good solution for all of us. Well at least it doesn't harm me

Uthgard has chosen the OF as their path and hey, i am one of those people that like the good old times ambiente

The rest goes for new frontiers which also has his pro's and con's. Who wants to say who is right with his choice and who is wrong? There's space enough for both worlds. Besides that, it is easy to patch back to NF from mythic. Gamedll 1.109 is also no problem so who cares
kind regards
Try getting every player who plays Uthgard to do that then, it's almost impossible.. even if there are a few people who still use the Uthgard classic patch and connect to an open world PvP server it's a huge issue with players floating around.
The classic patch could clone the classic regions and give them a new region id.. then there wouldn't be any issues at all...
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 4:40 pm
by Aftertaste
Glad i saw this, i stopped developing for this project years ago due to the fact the the developer team was rude and combative lol, i had huge plans back then, i was enjoying the project, the developer team was just enjoying the drama, i look forward to friendly people this time.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Thu Sep 15, 2016 8:08 pm
by HunabKu
Happy to cya.
Re: Plan for DOL
PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:54 am
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
Glad i saw this, i stopped developing for this project years ago due to the fact the the developer team was rude and combative lol, i had huge plans back then, i was enjoying the project, the developer team was just enjoying the drama, i look forward to friendly people this time.
We had many idiots over the years for example that guy that created the instant servers but that dont matter. At end only one thing matter if morons define our behavior or we define their behavior.
And in all those years we allways had one problem on dol, couse to many peeps dint thougt on the consequences of their work and behavior.
At end i can just say share more and talk to more peeps on dol forum so we can create an connection between us that give us an stable base to work with couse basicly a not helpful topic is way more useful where we can discuse about the issue then an scripter that sitting outside of dol and dont have a real connection to the core of the dol team.
There are so many possibilities if you face the power of dol and that is dol is an community and it benefits from social contact.
And i hope hunabku is fine with that but its an nice example:
He is working on an french project around the international patch state im working on and we talked a while and were able to find an way to work with each other both servers can benefit from.
So i want shout out:
Please please please speak about issues couse at the end we all have fails and skills and if connected in a strong team we can fix up the fails of others and use our power to push dol further!!!