Server Registration Fixed

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Server Registration Fixed

Postby Etaew » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:37 pm

Due to some issues with logging in to the DAoC Portal forums since the domain move, I haven't noticed the posts telling me there was a registration error with the Comments field not having a default value, this has been resolved and you can once again create DAoC Portal accounts.

I'm going to have to spend more time figuring out the cookie issues preventing the login for DAoC Portal, and this is going to give me a headache.

Currently the solution is to remove all cookies each time I visit the site.
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Re: Server Registration Fixed

Postby Mimnic2 » Thu Oct 16, 2008 12:32 am

I had that problem once just recently when moving the domain from one ip to another, the problem is in DNS and time propagation even though the new DNS and ip are proagated some where in the middle of the request an old dns or ip gets refrenced witch makes the cookie work upon creation but is broke when relogging in there for you have to delete the cookie and login again to make the new broken cookie or possiable a dns or ip refernce in the database in mysql to the old address's had issue there once also. depends on how you bake your cookies, thats a pun.
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