Warhammer Online

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Warhammer Online

Postby Etaew » Sat Jun 25, 2011 12:46 pm

I've been playing Warhammer Online for the past 2 weeks, and have been enjoying it. I was unimpressed at launch as I was playing World of Warcraft at the time. I came back to WAR as part of my MMO rotation after my RIFT monthly sub expired.

I am currently playing a Warrior Priest healer rank 28 with renown rank 39.

I may edit this post later with some screenshots, just wanted to let people know what I was doing, and as the person who loves keep sieges the most where I am currently getting my fix.

What I like
- The Graphics
- The feel of an area
- Collision (Tanks really do have a use in RvR, man siege weapons and create tank walls)
- Public Quests
- The UI (Huge improvement over DAOC with unit frames and addon support)
- Scenario Queues (Although non existant past tier 1)
- RvR Effective Level Boosting ( to allow you to compete at any level)
- Keep Sieges (Rams are done better, and siege weapons are pretty awesome in first person targeting)
- Capital Cities (Very atmospheric including Public Quests and Hostile mobs)
- City Sieges (Although this isn't as epic as it should be, on Order we are farmed every day)
- PvP gear, you don't need to PvE for gear.

What I don't like
- It feels like a renown grind instead of waging a war against the enemy capital city.
- Capturing battlefield objectives after Tier 1 is just interacting with a flag, that includes keeps after the doors are down. There needs to be guards.
- How people avoid XP like the plague in order to get as high renown as possible. Mythic allowed them to earn twice their level in renown ranks. So instead of reaching endgame at renown rank 40, they can reach it at 80. This has made public quests non existent and others questing zero.

Endless Trial
You can play Warhammer Online for free and without time restriction in tier 1.
- Access to tier 1 of Empire vs Chaos pairing
- Access to tier 1 of Dwarf vs Greenskin pairing
- Access to tier 1 of High Elf vs Dark Elf pairing
- Access to scenarios
- Level cap of 10
- Allow multiple characters

URL: http://www.warhammeronline.com/trial/
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Re: Warhammer Online

Postby geshi » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:48 pm

Mmmmmmmm, tank walls, I would love to see this in DAoC (seems totally possible but it may seem a bit glitchy).
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Re: Warhammer Online

Postby Rurikar » Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:14 pm

I played Warhammer throughout the beta and it was a train wreck for me. On one hand you could see a game that felt so much like DAOC, but just so much not there. There was talk amongst the devs of a "Race War" server, a server where instead of 2 realms there are 6 and that never happen. I really hate the dynamic of 2 realms and I hate the World of Warcraft style battlegrounds. They might appeal to the gamer of today who needs instant gratification, but I still believe that without that "Thrill of the Hunt" the "RvR" just isn't ever going to be as good.
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Re: Warhammer Online

Postby LeoX9 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 9:05 pm

Warhammer Online is actually one of my favorite MMO's. If falls in at a close 3rd after DAOC and Ultima Online. I would love to be able to create my own WAR server. Just going to throw that out there in-case anyone else likes the idea :P

Then again, I might need to start the WAR Free Server generation :)

I'm glad to see other people enjoyed it like I did.
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