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Dawn of Light Database [3575]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:49 pm
by HunabKu
Hello friends and Happy New Year.

I decided to post updates of DoL Base Database about svn modifications.
I will update as and when.

3458 :
- With the 3330 svn revision, Leodagan offer the new Portal Ceremony.
- With the 3375 svn revision, Leodagan updated some database things.

3495 :
- With the 3492 svn revision, i added an serverproperty.
- With the 3493 svn revision, i modified keep, keepcomponent, keepposition and serverproperty entries.
- Ready for 3501 release.

3512 :
- Reworked from the beginning.

3520 :
- Update style table for 3514 compatibility
- Cleaned empty npcequipment calls.
- Cleaned not necessary table collums and entries.

3556 :
- Updated and fixed for Leodagan Career Data system
- Added a lot of missing spells
- Fixed 0 value don't exist error for shields

3574 :
- Update EN language entries.
- Removed Duplicated Styles except Champion's.
- Fixed Climbing, Snapshot and Siege Resist abilities.
- Partially fixed Call of a thousand storms, Heightened Awareness, Bloodrage, Turn Weapon, Subtle Kills, Tracker's Alacrity and Caltrops abilities.

3575 :
- fixed double entries in serverproperty table
- fixed al lot of specialisation/spell/style/abilities problems
- fixed nf skins keep and keepcomponent bad entries
- Purged accounts and characters

-> Existing tables will be removed due colums type update

If you want old files, PM me.
Database DoL 1.9.6r3575.7z
(21.22 MiB) Downloaded 358 times
21.2Mo - 186Mo

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3556]

PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 8:49 pm
by xyio
Hello, I am wondering if this is based off of the pub database 3.1 or a prior version?

I used this version when I downloaded DOL again last week and have cleaned it up a bit (removed over 20,000 duplicate mobs, starter equipment, keeps, paths)

I guess what I am asking is should I start with a different base if I am going to try an contribute? :)

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3556]

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:44 pm
by Marko
So is this considered the latest DOL Pub DB ? ? ? I've noticed the new SVN builds I've made do not work with my existing, older db, so I'm guessing some tables/columns have been reformatted (?) And it would be good to know if you have a good way to import existing tables - especially anything to do with players/accounts/characters and mobs/npctemplates/keeps/paths etc. etc. All of those listed tables have had issues with the new svn build so I'm guessing they've all been revamped somehow.

Any migration suggestions from old to new would be great. Thx!

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3556]

PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:58 am
by HunabKu
You can considered the latest DOL Pub DB.
here is how I did :
- started by dolpub 3.1
- corrected a lot of error i can by mine
- make up to date for the svn updates

For sure you can contribute. Contact me by PM or eMail if you want.

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3575]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 12:09 pm
by HunabKu

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3575]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 6:03 am
by Graveen
/worship !

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3575]

PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 7:30 am
by HunabKu
Thanks ;)

Re: Dawn of Light Database [3575]

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 7:14 pm
by HunabKu
The 3583+ git releases need to rework from the beginning.
But i've a problem with the language system update script.