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SVN Rev:3492- Climb Towers

PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:25 am
by HunabKu
Commit from HunabKu

Log Messages:
- Added: ServerProperty named ALLOW_TOWER_CLIMB
- Modified: GameeKeepComponent.cs Climbing fucntion for allow or not towers climbing

Files Changed:
MODIFY - DOLSharp/trunk/GameServer/keeps/GameKeepComponent.cs
MODIFY - DOLSharp/trunk/GameServer/serverproperty/ServerProperties.cs

Re: SVN Rev:3492- Climb Towers

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 7:27 pm
by HunabKu
Just a thing for french client users want to use tower climbing, you need to modify the climbing ability
Code: Select all
REPLACE INTO `ability` (`KeyName`, `Name`, `Description`, `IconID`, `Implementation`) VALUES ('Climbing', 'Escalader', 'Climbing points are available on keeps in certain locations. Having the Climbing ability means that player is capable of using the climb points to reach the inner courtyard of the keep.', 401, ''), ('Climb Walls', 'Escalader', '', 0, '');

Re: SVN Rev:3492- Climb Towers

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 12:44 pm
by Graveen
Thank you Hunab. I don't remember what is the version where localisation stopped (below 1.109 i suppose), but i think it'll be rare to find a server allowing such older clients (except for version centered shards ofc).

Re: SVN Rev:3492- Climb Towers

PostPosted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:51 am
by HunabKu
No problem Graveen ;-)
Yep the 1.109c is the last localized client.
Like i say it, it's just for french client users ;-)