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Various calculations (ws, hps, parry...)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:15 am
by Graveen
Hello guys,

I was just browsing on charplan ( and i would like to focus on the various calculations used.

They seems precise. What do you think about them ?

Cf attached file. This is lua but this is readable easily, example:
Code: Select all
function CalcWeaponspeed() local qui = if qui>250 then qui = 250 end local qui_factor = 1-(qui-50)/500 -- by Solomon (was (qui-!60!) ) local buff_factor = 1-(hast_buff + hast_item + hast_celerity)/100 mf_speed_factor = qui_factor * buff_factor end

Re: Various calculations (ws, hps, parry...)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:58 am
by Yay
Hey Graveen :),

I briefly investigated this (before I got into reading, reading, reading, reading programming basics in my free time ;D).

My findings were, that currently DOL calculation is not correct, but Live is inconsistent or at least it's hard to find a pattern for the borderline cases with (high values of) Qui/Melee%/Haste/Celerity involved (and these are the important ones in RvR).

Another test I did was basic swing speed with 50+ swings. My findings support qui-60 is correct with qui-50 was more than 1 second "too quick" at 60 quickness. It does also make a lot of sense, because 60 is the average basic stat amount (without any stat gains/investments).

I would like to investigate this a bit further and I will help were I can. I stopped investigating it further because my foundation is not good enough to actually fix things, even if I find the pattern. :)

Kind regards,


Re: Various calculations (ws, hps, parry...)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:55 pm
by Velloro
The entire melee damage formulations are incorrect. I've done extensive research on this area. Unfortunately, the code I wrote doesn't yet scale perfectlyly for any GameLiving other than GamePlayer. Reconstructing mythic's formulas has proven challenging.

Re: Various calculations (ws, hps, parry...)

PostPosted: Sun Apr 10, 2016 3:03 pm
by Graveen
I agree. Let's say i tend to see interesting the out of DOL tests, based only on live feedback, a brand new source.