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mob factions

PostPosted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:51 pm
by ontheDOL
anyone else interested in this feature??
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work as intended :mrgreen: although alot of the implementation already exists.

There are some faction checks in standardmobbrain... but they need a few tweaks.
Currently I am working on this. A few things I have done / am doing is :

Add server property for "Use NPC factions" , Enabling this will bypass mob aggro values in npctemplate/mob table, and rely on factionaggrolevel table (table that holds players aggro) , of course if a mob has no faction set, it will use npc/mob values.

Add a column in npctemplate for "FactionID" - can create a mob with faction already set. This one will be a problem though.. as it will be empty when created and with replacemobvalues...bye bye factions. #edit. actually this was fixed easy with a SQL command , thanks stackoverflow!

Add factionID to "/mob copy" command . Quite annoying copying mobs and then having to set their faction level and reloading them.

Change the faction levels for "Aggressive", Hostile, Neutral, Friendly. This could possibly be a server property for customisation... at the moment I have it set at: aggro > 50 = aggressive , > 25 Hostile , > 0 Neutral , = 0 friendly .
Along with this, having the mob fail the aggro check if it is between 0 & 25 aggrolevel, so it actually is neutral!

Display mob standings on kill (increase/decrease) regardless of your current standing with them. Currently you only see changes when your standing is not at 0 or 100. I think it is nice to always see what factions are affected by the mob.

Anyway , thats just few things i have done and will commit if there is interest. Any other ideas are welcome :)

Re: mob factions

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:52 am
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
You pointed a few structural improvements me and my team look into such stuff atm (like):
Not using unlogical IDs that steal capacity
Fixing very very very very outdated stuff and supporting dol via an up to date database (currently creating up team for it)
And we would welcome you onboard currently we create the basics to have an standart to base improvements like that on.
Check this topic please if you interested to join the new official Public DB team:

Re: mob factions

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:42 am
by ontheDOL
Another thing i see on live is that you cannot increase/decrease faction killing grey cons, so thats another thing that need fixing.
And it would appear that its not the same increase/decrease for every faction / mob.... but that is getting very complicated and research heavy so sticking with a simple linear progression might be the way for me :D

#Edit hmm and hostile mobs do not attack you either... I couldnt remember if they did... or if it was just a small state inbetween neutral and aggressive so you know your getting close to the "swing" states of aggression...

#edit2 ok did a little bit of digging , hard to find anything on hostile mobs lol but i did find this from a grab bag
All right! Got a lot to cover today, so let's go. Q: When do hostile mobs become aggressive? A: Our faction chain isn't completely linear: Hostile does not proceed to aggressive; hostile and aggressive are the same faction rating. The difference is that some mobs are flagged "attack" and some are flagged "never attack." In other words, if you kill enough of a neutral mob it will become EITHER hostile if flagged never-attack OR aggressive if flagged attack, a hostile mob will never become aggressive or vice versa.
oh and regarding the public DB, i'm more focused on code fixes/improvements as my own Database is far from livelike :)

Re: mob factions

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:22 pm
by ontheDOL
ok so made some progress...
mobs will only change players faction if they con green+

rival npc factions will fight each other, and leave mobs with neutral/no faction

npcs using faction based aggression towards player instead of a 0-100 aggro related to brain think period (unless mob has no faction, then it uses this system)

I made a new column in npctemplate/mob "IsHostile" , so mobs can be "hostile" which means they will never naturally aggro player, but can still be affected for faction purposes (quests/merchants etc)

everything appears to work (I say appears becuz i don't super test everything :D ) , I just need to make sure it all runs independent from standard aggro system incase people dont want to use factionaggro

#edit also added server property for both hostile and aggression thresholds ( the value at which mob goes from being neutral to hostile/aggressive)

Re: mob factions

PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:05 pm
by PlanarChaosRvrtwo
oh and regarding the public DB, i'm more focused on code fixes/improvements as my own Database is far from livelike :)
Oh i dont mean help on public DB but in order of Code improvements DB has to be updated sometimes and opposite and couse of that it would help the public db team if you post ''patches'' so we can work with the changes.