New controlled Public Database
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:42 pm
Hi all there have been some exciting discussions in the Discord channel surround a new public database using github.
Feel free to fork and submit your differences.

Windows - ... concat.ps1
Linux - ... /
I have gone ahead and created a repo on github. It is currently just the schema and data as it exists in Ginnungagap DB - 1.2. I will be adding a readme today, and hopefully a script to turn this back into a single file. So far the only fix is table casing to match what is defined in DOLDatabase (for linux support). I also have a few comments about tables that I am pretty sure can be removed. Anyway, long road ahead.
This is hopefully going to be the solution to which Database is best questionHeyo!
I've spent the last couple nights getting the foundation work up and going, and I feel like it is pretty much there. I'm probably going to transition into orphaned data pruning for a bit, but my plan is to start work on a set of GUI based tools to edit the data. The dream is to empower the community to edit and share data in a more meaningful and open way.
This is definitely a marathon and not a sprint. At the end of this long road, we hope to have it so an admin can docker install their base DOL server and it's fully ready for his or her customization with classic and SI zones ready to go.

Windows - ... concat.ps1
Linux - ... /