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gloc coordinate system

PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:47 pm
by Ambron
Hey guys,

i was about to build a map of whole daoc sticked together and thought the gloc system should be global isnt it?
Can anyone provide information about the gloc coordinate system? Would help me very much :)

Re: gloc coordinate system

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2021 10:54 am
by Ambron
So as far as i checked the database, the gloc information is not saved there. Items have 'X' and 'Y' values with 6 digits, i assume those are glocs (cause loc have a cap of 65000). So the gloc coordinate system should sit in the code? I will try to check that.

Re: gloc coordinate system

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:40 am
by Ambron
Now i tried to calculate the positioning of the regions in the gloc by walking through the daoc-world and comparing /gloc to /loc but it seems like many maps laying over each other ^^

Re: gloc coordinate system

PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 1:16 pm
by Ambron
I have plottet all maps with their /gloc position. See the result in the attachment.
So the /gloc System is not global, it is region-based. /loc is zone-based. dayum, no global coordinate system.